Canned Smoked Salmon?

Started by JZ, November 01, 2011, 07:16:41 PM

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My wife just finished her first batch of canned salmon --- 70 pints. I need to start smoking some before she cans any more and I was thinking that maybe we should can some smoked salmon. But the smoked salmon is soooooo good when it vac sealed and frozen that I am thinking canning it might just be a bunch more work for no real gain.

What are your thoughts?

La Quinta

Is the salmon fresh? and you "can" it...can you explain what that means? Sorry if that is a stupid question?


Hey JZ--I can every year (LQ--he means pressure canning in jars, although there is a  minority who actually use cans)but I don't always smoke first. I usually only smoke then can when I am doing pink salmon. I add a bit of vinegar which dissolves those nasty little pink salmon bones and you end up with nicely smoked salmon to use in pate.  I generally use the canned smoked as a base for something else--mix some cream cheese with a jar of smoked, add some chopped green onion or peppers and put on crackers--it's great. If you take that to a "bring some appies" party, people think you're a culinary genius. You can also use it in a souffle or seafood pie with some other seafood to give it a nice smokey taste. Anyway--smoked then canned is good for me for a specific subspecies of salmon and it is great if used in specific ways.

La Quinta

Thanks T2...just honestly never heard of home canning meat/fish...fruit and veggies yes...just wondered if it was the same process...

Obviously commercially, fish is canned, wasn't aware that people did it at home...but I think it's kool so thanks for the info...


Yeah that is what I thought. The canned salmon is really good and I have it on a sandwich pretty much everyday for lunch. Didn't think it would be that much better using canned smoked salmon over no smoked. Besides if I want some smoked salmon on a sammy then I just open a bag and put it on.

La Quinta --- We use salmon that we caught in the summer, then froze. When the wife is ready to can some she thaws it out and uses a pressure canner and Pint canning jars to can some. Just like the canned salmon you buy in the store except it is done at home, in jars. Been doing it for about 20 years and no one has died yet. We can mostly coho and springs (silvers and Kings). We don't target sockeye but they are the best canned.

I love to take a can (jar) and mix it with mayo, dijon mustard, celery, pickles and green onions then put it on a sammy with some pepper (it has enough salt from the canning process) and lettuce. It is also really good griiled, like a grilled cheese sammy. 


A friend of the family who is a fisherman would smoke and tin can his fish all the time. It is a process but not much more than canning in a jar.
JZ if you already have your fish vac sealed I would just leave it be. It will keep well in the bags. If you want to try canning I would do it at the time you smoke it. No sense waisting the process you have already done.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


We can fish and deer every year. Sometimes other meats also. Also do soups and chili and such. Great that way.

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A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.

La Quinta

Thank you...I have been educated...mostly grew up in hot canning is kinda foreign to me...was a little kid in cold with a basement...I would love to try it...but our climate doesn't really lend itself to that...

But I like to learn...


My brother use to smoke salmon and then can it and send to my mother.(He lives in Alaska)  It tasted so good!

La Quinta

so...if I cold smoked salmon...or hot can can that without it being like brined? or in some kind of salt?  I know I sound idiotic...but...just trying to understand?


Here's a quick "down n' dirty" synopsis of smoked salmon canning, LQ. You can get more info on this from university extension services (like ) but the short little blog w/ pics will give you the idea.

La Quinta

Thank you Kummok...I get it now...very informative...really...