Smoke generator issues

Started by Warren88, April 14, 2017, 10:35:17 AM

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Hi everyone, me and my dad have built a smoke house and are having a few issues with our smoke generator. Firstly we bought it from America and are UK based so should we have a power adapter of some sort as it blew the plug fuse. Also whilst we had it running for a short time it filled the generator room up with smoke coming from the bisquettes stake tube, is that normal? Cheers

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Check the lables on your smoke generator.  UK power operates at 50 hertz.  US power at 60 hertz.  If you have a 60 hertz smoke generator, you will need a converter to make smoke generator run on UK power.

Smoke should not be coming out of the bisquette feed tube.  Smoking backing up into your smoke generator will, over time, damage the smoke generator.

I suspect that you don't have enough air moving through your smoker cabinet.  Your cabinet should hold the smoke temporarily, so it needs exhaust and inlet vents.  I found a calculator for sizing smoker vents on the internet and it indicates that the volume of your vent (exhaust opening and chimney height) should be 1.7% of your cooking chamber volume.  Not sure this is absolutely accurate, but it should be a good starting point.  Your air inlet area, including the hole for the smoke generator, should match the volume of your exhaust vent.


Thanks I will cut the vents a bit bigger then as the can be opened and shut and experiment with it a bit.

Think ive found a converter so will pick it up tomorrow and give it a go.

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