Ode to Brisket

Started by Caneyscud, January 02, 2009, 09:12:36 AM

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Ode to Smoked Boefe.

Now, lyke ye melancholy malcontent, I wander, restless, why?
Once absente my hunger hast returned.   It kisseth my lips with vengeance!
I longe as a women with chylde; lusteth for many straunge thynges!
I tire of normal humours gathered about the mouth of the stomack
Out, out with the white puddings of the hogges liuer!
Out, out with eisands with otemeale grotes!
Out, out with stue sparrows and turnep pudding!
Let me dyne, with feestes and cheere; a gentil pastime.
Embrace thy firey flames like 'ell, its fury a friende indeed.
From its bowels doth billough acrid smoke; sweet fairness.
Girdled with embracing flames, thy desire is but a coale to cool.
Readye the sworde; hone sharpe to cut true!
Readye the grille: coax the fyre to hold true!
Readye the drynke; floweth freely to taste true!
Oh wicked power of wantonness, no mere wonte of smoked beaste!
Patience; sweet paynfull bliss: fully virtuous, a traitorous gyfte.
Sooty chuffs of meaty air; ravishing, encircling, kissing seasoned flesh.
What woode doth makest feeste?  From whence dost fulsome flavor cometh?
Mesquite woode, noble, official it thou art!
Mesquite woode, noble smoke, virtuous and besought!
Mesquite woode, noble sweetness; bequeathing its all!
Sweet crueltye; lowe and slowe hath wrought succulent tenderness!
Luscious, juicy smoked boefe; once raw, art now voluptuous, enticing.
Lust like a glutton's waist grows. madness sated with a greate feeste
Indulged, rapturous hunger crush'e into folly, folly sauc'd with piquancy.
Peace, nourishes, what thou lovest well is thy true heritage.
Peace, enjoy, thoughts stray where blissfulness reigns.
Peace, fleeting, where this story endeth, doth anew begin!

"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


You are a very talented fellow Caneyscud!  8) :)

Smokin Soon

That style reminds me of something I was force fed in college, "The Fourth Book of the Courtier"


This is all wonderful but the important part is.  Whats your recipe for brisket?

I'll be attempting my first brisket next smoke.  Its a small one probably 4 pounds with a 1/4 inch fat cap.



I'm old school usually!  Usually just salt and pepper - maybe some cajun seasoning.  Only have done one on my DBS4.  Smoked on 225 for 3 hours of smoke and then wrapped in foil and finished in oven.  Also first time to finish in oven.  Amazingly good.  Usually just salt and pepper on a offset or other type of smoker for 1 to 1.5 hours per pound at about 200 to 225 over oak lump charcoal or mesquite wood.  Usually a butter/beer/mustard sopping sauce every 30 minutes to an hour after the first three or four hours without sopping.  Fat cap always on top.  Wanna try some at 400 to 500 but haven't had the heart to do that yet.

The Bard of Hot Air
Threadkiller Extraordinaire'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"