How the Wood burns

Started by Sheriff, January 21, 2004, 09:55:29 PM

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Sheriff/ is 6:30pm pst and I have no smoker...I think Fedex doesn't work this late...I'm afraid that since Monday is a Holiday I won't be seeing BS until Tuesday...I am bummed to say the least...

This is not good.

Not only does ABBQ get no referrals from me, but FedEx can take a hike too...I will not place an order with any company from now on that delivers via least to California...maybe in other states they do better but our here, they suck...pardon my lack of etiquette on the internet but I'm not a happy camper.

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


Fuzzybear & Kummok

    We had 4 to 6 inches of Snow..That is a lot for us North Texas folks, that was Sat.  Sunday, I loaded my smoker up with two rolls of breakfast sausage, several pounds of Country style ribs, slab of
Baby back ribs and some chicken.  (had to cook some for the neighbors)  Everything when great it took longer that I thought it would, but I had it pretty full.  Had some condensation run out the bottom?? drip pot was not overflowing. Also, when I was cleaning it up I noticed on the hot plate the Bisq. was ash and the one behind it was totally black, is this normal and do I need some (how many) of the Chez... metal bisq's.  I was thinking, I just had the vent opened about 1/8 inche, that might have caused the moisture to run out the bottom, or I'm cookin to much food at one time. Thanks, hope to hear good news from Fuzzybear today..or tomorrow..



Hey Sheriff!

I had the same problem with my pucks...I think I shut off the generator 1 puck to soon.

My chicken turned out great and so did the jerky - I'm just a small batch man as everyone wants to eat the stuff but not supply the meat...whaddya gonna do?

If I could figure out how to add a pic other than from one posted on the internet, it would be in there!

Maybe I should put it in pics in AOL, then get it from there?  I'll have to experiement with it....

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!



 I never turn off by bisq. feeder, I put six bisq.s in the tube and push the botton 3 tmes to get one on the hot plate and forget it.  Should I turn off the bisq feeder after so long?  This has happened when I was seasoning it also.  Opened the door the one on the burner was real small and ashes, the one inline totally black but still full size.




I always turn my generator off after the last puck goes thru - I use two spacers (bubba pucks) and that seems to get the last one on the plate itself. Mine only left one half burned and one ash when I shut down the generator a tad earlier than I should have.  Otherwise, I wind up with one pile of ash on the heat plate which I think is normal - no more pucks to push the pile of ash off and, I don't think it would be a good idea to have a piece of metal on the plate.

I just turn off the generator assuming that if I don't, it will run every twenty minutes pushing air thru and just keeping the plate hot.

I guess it would be ok for an additional heat source but I just don't see any point in wearing out the equipment before it's time.

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


Hey Sheriff...check this out!!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


     Look n goood.. (The chicken) I assume this is out of you new smoker?  I never thought about the bisq. advance working all the time, very good ideal, I will be turning mine off from now on,  thanks..  I understand now where you get your handle Fuzzy Bear....



Yeah Sheriff, that was the first project and my wife is an expert on how she likes her chicken so she's always my tester - if she likes it, then I know I did good - she was very happy with it!

You can thank the wife for my nickname - she's always called my a bear from darn near the first day I met her.  Once we were married, she started calling me "Fuzzy", then "Fuzzybear" during the cold of winter - seems I throw off a lot of body heat and when she gets cold, zap!  Straight for the bear to warm up[:D]

So, Fuzzybear it shall remain and I'm so used to it now, I couldn't think of anything else to replace it with!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Chez Bubba


The more stuff you put in, the more moisture needs to get out. You didn't say whether you marinated the meat or not, but this will add to the moisture content. When we cook for the masses & put 40-50# per smoker, we close the top vent for the first hour to help the heat build up, then open it all the way to let to moisture out.

You also have to take care to arrange the meat on the racks so the heat can convect up through & around. Was the liquid coming out the bottom fat or water? If you pack too much on a rack & the meat is touching the sides, the fat will not drip down & collect in the bowl, but run down the sides of the smoker.


Beautiful bird! If it tasted half as good as it looks, you had a fine meal.

That's an interesting tree you've got there![:D]

Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?



The bird was fantastic!

The tree is a fruitless mulberry that had great big ol' knobbies on the ends that were not good for it - had to hack them off by hand - had no chain saw...tore one branch as you can see

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!



    I think you a exactly right.  I had only water coming out of the bottom. To much meat and I keep the top vent closed down to about 1/8 of an inch.  What you tell me about the moisture is right, it has to come out some where.  Only marinated one item a slab of baby backs. I will be calling today to order some Bubba Pucks.  thanks



Yup! the piles of ashes in the "waiting room" are normal.....simple conductive heat transfer kills the last two in waiting. Glad to see you ordering the Bubba Pucks from Kirk.... they will prevent ash piles for YOU and gets me that much closer to a new lever drag trolling reel! [:D][;)]

Fuzzy Bear:
Per Sheriff, my first reaction AFTER drooling over the chicken, was the validation of your handle! If I knew how to post pics, I'd post my grizzled mug to let you know you're in good facial hair company!.....actually I wouldn't because this is a family friendly forum and I wouldn't want to scare women and children[:D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Well, get it there man!!  It took a while for some of us to figure it out...was surprised that the forum moderator didn't jump in with some help...oh well, looking forward to the pic post!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


I putzed around with it this morning and gave you know, I have some pics at the earthlink site, but couldn't get them to show up on the forum posts?!?!?[xx(] HOWEVER.....Sun's turning the glaciers a light orange/yellow as it struggles to rise, the wind is non-existent on the Bay this morning....looks like a good day for fish to die!

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Here's how I did it...posted a photo to an internet site - don't think it long as http:// is part of the address, then clicked on add image and got " as a result.  went to the picture, right clicked on it to get the "properties" copied the address and placed it right between

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!