Drying salmon after brining

Started by vonndogleg, April 04, 2006, 06:50:45 AM

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Does anybody have a good way to dry their salmon before smoking it??  I've tried putting it in the bs at a low temperature before but it did not really produce a good pellicle, (I don't think there is enough air flow past it)...


I put mine on an inverted smoker rack on a kitchen counter and place a big fan about one meter away from it and let her rip.  In about an hour the surface is relatively dry and then it heads to the smoker.  In my experience it never gets totally dry but is shiny and slightly tacky to the touch.

Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


thanks tom,
tried that this morning and it worked great, smokin along now...


vonndogleg welcome to the forum, what you need is one of these and a fan, to get this drying rack go to http://chezbubba.com/


thanks for the welcome, thats a pretty slick unit!!  I'll have to build one here in the spring, got lots of time off to get down to work...


Welcome vonndogleg. Rob has all the neat toys. Looks like his rack is a real time saver. 8)