pork loin roast as 2nd smoke - any advice?

Started by smokemandan, March 28, 2014, 04:59:26 PM

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Hi all,
hoping to do a pork loin roast tomorrow as my 2nd smoke...
it's a 3 lb boneless pork loin roast
can i do this as pulled pork?
or just slice it up as a roast?
appreciate any input...

Saber 4

You can do either one, pulled it will be drier and probably need a BBQ Sauce or gravy. I do mine sliced for sandwiches or for dinner, 2 hours of pecan or apple at 220 then finish at an IT of 142-145 so that it's moist and fully cooked. If you go for pulled someone that has more experience than I do can give you an IT to shoot for and how to do the fork test.

Habanero Smoker

As Saber stated you can cook your loin either way.

For pulled loin I take the loin to 185°F, but someone recently used a loin for pulled pork and he only took it to 165°F and it pulled easily. So I may adjust my recipe.
Pulled Pork Loin with Sauce

If you want to cook it as a roast, I generally use or find a recipe for pork loin that I like. I prepare as directed in the recipe. If the recipe calls for browning the meat; I will skip that step. Cook it in the Bradley at 220°F - 225°F, until it reaches 140°F. Tent it, and let it rest for about 10 minutes before slicing. You can also butterfly loin, and add a filling.



OK, not very pleased at all!! >:(
had to leave, come back in an hour and a half, no smoke at all, SG not working
shows it's working on the display but nothing
bowl full of wasted pucks and a piece of pork loin with no smoke and not sure how it will come out
very unhappy with this thing, may consider taking it back
1st smoke was no good, and now this

Saber 4

Hate to hear you had problems, check all of your connections and make sure everything is working, there are some good troubleshooting posts on here that can help you get back on track and if they don't work Bradley's customer service can't be beat.