BRADLEY SMOKER | "Taste the Great Outdoors"

Smoking Techniques => Hot Smoking and Barbecuing => Topic started by: Jazzbone on April 28, 2009, 11:24:37 AM

Title: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: Jazzbone on April 28, 2009, 11:24:37 AM
Hi all....bringing a larger boneless pork loin to a pot luck lunch tomorow and was wondering how long I can I FTC a pork loin thats about 9lbs...I figure I'll pull it at an IT of 155, the extra time in the foil should jack it up to about 160 I figure before I'm ready to slice it up.
Since this is the 1st loin I've done in the Bradley please correct me if I'm wrong...
I've got it smothered in CYM and a nice dry rub and it'll be sitting in the fridge for a little over 24hrs...I'm thinking (and correct me if I'm wrong here) it'll take about 5-6 hrs with the Bradley at 200...
If I pop it into the Bradley at around midnight tonight and pull it out around leaving it FTC'd until lunchtime (noonish) too long?  Also, is the 6hr cook time a stretch or possibly not enough...
Im just trying to budget the time here as I have to be at the office in the morning and am trying to juggle the smoking time accordingly...

Many thanks reading all the posts (and seeing the pics).

Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: Caneyscud on April 28, 2009, 12:31:19 PM
Others will correct me if I am wrong!  Officially, USDA says meat must be kept above 140F.  Most bigger meats and their normal temps can be held in a cooler 2-4 hours above that temp.  The heat sink effect will kick in as you load the cooler up with hot meats - the more hot meats there are the longer the temperature stays up.  Not a bad idea to poke a Maverick probe into the meat to monitor it, if concerned. 

Pork Loin, about the only thing that I smoke that my wife wrinkles up her nose at - and I cannot tell you why, because she won't tell me why.  She likes it sliced and fried, grilled, but not smoked.  But I always get one in when cooking for others, and she usually eats some leftovers and doesn't even know it.    :-X  Tricky little buggers at times because of the leanness.  So temp control is very important.  Goal is as least an internal temp of 160F (per USDA again).  Start going too much over that and you risk dryness.  Some people drape or wrap the loin with bacon.  I don't, but if worried, I will mop it.  Brining also helps with moistness, but does change the flavor and texture somewhat. 

A loin always seems to take 45 min to 1 hour per pound at a cook temp of 200F.  You can raise the cabinet temperature to cook it faster if wanted.  The cut is of course very tender, and doesn't need the low and slow treatment to break down fats and collagen.

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinaire'
Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: Jazzbone on April 29, 2009, 05:13:10 PM
Well, completed the 1st loin...7hrs @ 200 with 4hrs of apple...pulled it out at 173 degrees...FTC'd it immediately...(that was fun at 5am and no coffee in me)...Sliced it up 5hrs later and I must admit it turned out pretty good, the apple wood was quite good...I don't think I'd do anything thats lean and boneless again overnight as I see from Caneyscud's comment that temp control and basting is key with them.  Although it wasn't dried out I still prefer juicy goodness to extra lean cuts...And like I said, I'd do it again but it sure ain't no mesquite prime rib...   ;D

Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: Habanero Smoker on April 30, 2009, 02:12:25 AM
For my taste 173°F is too well done. I only take my pork loins to 142°F - 145°F, and let them rest for a short period of time. I generally smoke them at 225°, and now that I have added a second heating element I will smoke/cook them at 225°F. The USDA guidelines for internal temperatures are recommendations. If you look at today's reliable cookbooks, and read articles by today's chefs you will see that lower temperatures can be used, and the food will be safe.

Meat - When Is It Done? Pt. 2 (
Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: Jazzbone on April 30, 2009, 04:15:43 AM
Oh definitley, was a little much for me as well...but it got gobbled up petty wasn't really dried out, but I definitley will pull it about 15 deg. earlier next time around...Sorry no pics this time...Freezer is getting a little low so will probably be doing a brisket this weekend, will see what I can do for pics on that...

Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: backstrap on April 30, 2009, 04:25:20 AM
I'm new to the forum.  What does FTC stand for?
Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: deb415611 on April 30, 2009, 04:31:44 AM


FTC = Foil, Towel, Cooler

Here is a link to the FAQ's on the recipe site

Lots of good info on the recipe site if you haven't been there

Title: Re: How long can I FTC a 9lb boneless pork loin?
Post by: backstrap on April 30, 2009, 11:50:21 AM
Thanks Deb...that link certainly made a lot of things clearer.