BRADLEY SMOKER | "Taste the Great Outdoors"

Smoking Techniques => Hot Smoking and Barbecuing => Topic started by: mtbike on May 24, 2009, 07:56:07 PM

Title: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: mtbike on May 24, 2009, 07:56:07 PM
i started the 2 butt this morning around 10, my goal was to have the IT at 195 around 6 tommorow morning, ftc and serve for lunch at 1130. the lunch has been moved to 5 p.m., 11 hours after i plan to put the butts in to ftc. what should i do? any and all suggestion welcome. at this ponit i have them in my oven wrapped in foil with IT of 163 on one and 161 on the other. got the oven temp set on 175 hoping they can stay in the oven longer, is that a good idea or should i just crank it up to 200 and finish it off around my original time?
Title: Re: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: Ka Honu on May 24, 2009, 08:31:41 PM
Butts are pretty forgiving - ain't no rule against putting them in the fridge whole when they're done and pulling and reheating in a crockpot later.
Title: Re: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: Smokin Soon on May 24, 2009, 08:32:31 PM
I think your butts are at the "stall temp" that is about 160 where all the good stuff is happining. I use the smoker at 220 for the whole cook, but oven is fine also. Whatever it takes to get it to 180 to 185 is what I use. FTC if you want "butts will travel". Keeps 'em hot for many hours. If you do not FTC minimum rest time is 30 minutes, will still be too hot to pull with bare hands. Butts are the most forgiving of cooks so you really cant go wrong.
Title: Re: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: Habanero Smoker on May 25, 2009, 02:10:52 AM
I would finish cooking them now. I prefer smoke/cooking my butts ahead of time, and having them pulled the day before; and reheat prior to serving. I shave off the bark, chop it up and mix it with the pulled pork. That gives the flavor from the bark and the meat time the meld together.

It is easier to pull them while they are still warm, then refrigerate it. I reheat the pork in half size steam pans. Add your sauce (if using any), or some apple juice; cover tightly with foil, and place in the center of a 325°F preheated oven until heated through.
Title: Re: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: KyNola on May 25, 2009, 12:46:20 PM
I'm with Habs.  Finish them now, FTC for a few hours then pull 'em.

Title: Re: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: FLBentRider on May 25, 2009, 02:35:05 PM
I'm with KyNola and Habs. FTC and pull. reheat.

Don't shred before you reheat.
Title: Re: 2 butts smoking, now the time has been changed
Post by: mtbike on May 25, 2009, 04:46:14 PM
thanks for the info guys. i set my start time so i could pull and shred after the ftc for lunch, but the change of time from lunch to supper messed that up. the butts were done about 7 this morning, ftc til 11, pulled, wraped and into the fridge. at 5 p.m. i warmed it up and shreded, turned out perfect.