I have been wanting to start sausage making for a while. I scoured this site and a couple others I found. After much wrangling with what I needed and a budget I got my hardware inbound.
Northern tools:
I am now on information overload. I figure until I get some experience I needed to stick to "kits" for first tries. Do you have any suggestions for Summer Sausage and "slim jim" kits?
Also I know of Rytek's book and will be getting it. But are there other books you recommend. Nepa a scanned copy of your notebook would be great :)
Finally, where do you buy your spices "Hot hungarian paprika/Smoked paprika/fermento etc and cures for your "from scratch" recipes?
Finally, I notice "keep internal temp to but never see any holes poked in the pictures of the sausages. Are you probing them or just know?
Sorry for being the noob but I want to do all I can to make sure my first attempt is good so I wil continue.
Thanks, Steven
You may want to hold off on the meat mixer, if you are doing small batches. You may find that mixing by hand or by a stand mixer (if you have one) will be sufficient. I would try that first; you may find you do not need a meat mixer.
Here is a link to books commonly used; scroll down to the Meat Curing & Sausage Making section:
Books (
Here is a link to favorite vendors:
Vendors (
For sausage and curing I mainly use Sausage Maker. For spices I use mainly Penzey's, or Spices ETC.
Most use one probe in one sausage as a base line. When that sausage gets up to the correct IT, they will either take the sausage out, or use an instant read to check a few other sausages then pull them out. If you get a Thermapen ( it make the task faster, and it makes smaller holes in your sausage.
I also use The Spice House for spices. The owners are related to Penzey. The Spice House has a little more variety than Penzey's including cure
I'm not a sausage expert but Don't start smoking at 1pm unless your a night owl, or use the steam method to bring your sausages to the final IT if you do start in the evening. Make your first batch small like no bigger than 5 pounds as it will be your learning tool and may not be the best sausage you ever make but will most likely taste good.
Quote from: BigJohnT on October 17, 2009, 05:50:05 AM
I'm not a sausage expert but Don't start smoking at 1pm unless your a night owl, or use the steam method to bring your sausages to the final IT if you do start in the evening. Make your first batch small like no bigger than 5 pounds as it will be your learning tool and may not be the best sausage you ever make but will most likely taste good.
I have to disagree with you Big John. It will always be the best sausage BECAUSE YOU made it!!!
Good choise of equipment it is exactly the same as I use and brought from Northern Tool. The mixer is great but I dont use it unless I have enough to fill it as it is hard to clean it,takes about 20 min. after using it for only 15 min. Piker
Thanks for the feedback guys. I can't wait for the first batch.
I guess I will have to keep monitoring this thread to make sure I catch it when Nepa posts his notebook. ;D
One of my favorite sites for getting the needed supplies for sausage is
I second the Butcher & Packer outfit... good stuff, fair price, fast shipping.
Wow your still up JT, you making some late night sausage again ;D
If your going to do lots of sausage get a good stuffer with metal gears.
Quote from: smokeitall on October 17, 2009, 07:18:18 PM
Wow your still up JT, you making some late night sausage again ;D
Nope, I learned my lesson well on that first batch.
Quote from: BigJohnT on October 22, 2009, 04:44:25 AM
Quote from: smokeitall on October 17, 2009, 07:18:18 PM
Wow your still up JT, you making some late night sausage again ;D
Nope, I learned my lesson well on that first batch.
My first batch of Kielbasa about 15 years ago I was up around 12 midnight and fell a sleep. I was into about 6 hours of smokehouse when I lost it and woke up at 8:30 in the morning. Almost sold all my Kielbasa to the police academy as Night sticks.
Your getting some great advice from some really good smokers. I like to run my probe into the end of the sausage. That way you do not have a hole in your sausage that does not look to good.
Thanks for the advice guys. Stuffer and Grinder arrived today. Iknow they were not top o line stuff but I figure if I try it and like it then I can upgrade as I go. I agree if I become as hooked as I did on brining and smoking chicken then I will be upgrading soon :)
I think I am going to try the Adouille (sp?) first. That way I can do Gumbo and Jambalaya to boot.
Congrats on getting into sausage making.
I get my spice mixes and casings from here:
Their summer sausage, beer brat and snack stick are excellent.
You'll be amazed how good home made sausage is.
get smokin
Quote from: drano on October 22, 2009, 05:37:13 PM
Congrats on getting into sausage making.
I get my spice mixes and casings from here:
Their summer sausage, beer brat and snack stick are excellent.
You'll be amazed how good home made sausage is.
get smokin
I will second that, Frisco does have good spice mixes. We have an Hobart store that carey's Frisco products and every thing else you need to make sausage.
Good luck Steven
Quote from: standles on October 22, 2009, 05:14:33 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. Stuffer and Grinder arrived today. Iknow they were not top o line stuff but I figure if I try it and like it then I can upgrade as I go. I agree if I become as hooked as I did on brining and smoking chicken then I will be upgrading soon :)
I think I am going to try the Adouille (sp?) first. That way I can do Gumbo and Jambalaya to boot.
Good start. I have pics of mine on here somewhere ;D