I don't know how I get roped into these things...
Friends are having a trivia night for their school. I figured we could bring some pulled pork for a few sandwiches to share..
Now we are looking at a table of 8-10 hungry people.
Time to raid the freezer!
Pulled pork and a bit of brisket, and 2 packages of venison sticks w/ jalepeno cheese..
Turkey breast, frozen SOLID. In ya go:
When it gets in the 140 range, I'll put it on the gasser w/ some Pecan pucks down near the burners.
This is going to be a TURBO smoke job.
Yes, but you can do it Squirt
I know I need to clean my glasses, but...
Did I really see that last picture???
Quote from: hal4uk on November 21, 2009, 10:01:37 AM
I know I need to clean my glasses, but...
Did I really see that last picture???
Yes you did. Frozen turkey in cooking bag. Been in for an hour now, should be thawed enough to transfer to the Bradley for a couple hours of Apple/Oak - and then continue to 160*.
Thought about using the gasser, but we have 6.5 hours before we have to be there. Plenty o' time.
You sure didn't get much notice...
Quote from: hal4uk on November 21, 2009, 10:20:42 AM
You sure didn't get much notice...
No I didn't. And little Irvette Lurline tore open the bag of dollar rolls I brought home last night to take with... I caught her dismantling one in my hat on the kitchen table.
[sigh]Turkey time! I get to try out my new high temp screens from Yard & Pool as well..
1/2 cooked turkey slathered in CT and some of Bubba's rib rub.. And some hot water with 'flavor' for the pan:
Smokin' now.
I made the cardinal sin of getting the Maverick cable wet - so it is sending stupid high readings until it dries out. >:(
If you have recently purchased your Maverick. Give them a call and tell them you did a bonehead move and ask if you could get a replacement. Warranty covers bonehead they will send you a new probe. Which is longer than the original. If not covered by warranty I think it is like $6 for a new one.
Quote from: Tenpoint5 on November 21, 2009, 11:06:08 AM
If you have recently purchased your Maverick. Give them a call and tell them you did a bonehead move and ask if you could get a replacement. Warranty covers bonehead they will send you a new probe. Which is longer than the original. If not covered by warranty I think it is like $6 for a new one.
Thanks, I have spares as well. I do like the 6' replacement ones better.
My other Maverick is keeping an eye on things now..
I don't know how you get roped into these things either, but I wish I lived a lot closer to you! ;D I guess you're just a mice guy.
Arnie, if you lived close to Squirt, that would be about all you lived "close to".
Quote from: hal4uk on November 21, 2009, 11:21:49 AM
Arnie, if you lived close to Squirt, that would be about all you lived "close to".
3 bars, a coal mine, a wind turbine and a grain elevator..
And Route 66, if you are into nostalgia.
At least this time I get to eat some of the food, as well as keep the leftovers!
Quote from: squirtthecat on November 21, 2009, 11:33:32 AM
Quote from: hal4uk on November 21, 2009, 11:21:49 AM
Arnie, if you lived close to Squirt, that would be about all you lived "close to".
3 bars, a coal mine, a wind turbine and a grain elevator..
And Route 66, if you are into nostalgia.
Yep, drove it in the early seventies. A friend was getting married in Lubbock, TX. I drove down in my blue '69 T-Top 'vette.
At least this time I get to eat some of the food, as well as keep the leftovers!
Good for you!
Quote from: ArnieM on November 21, 2009, 12:42:47 PM
Yep, drove it in the early seventies. A friend was getting married in Lubbock, TX. I drove down in my blue '69 T-Top 'vette.
If you were on the stretch through Central, IL, you might have seen this:
I'm going to Expedia right now, and see if I can book Art's Presidential Suite...
No squirt, I don't remember Art's. But it was at least 35 years ago and my brain isn't currently - what were we talking about?
Hal, the Presidential suite is kinda steep. $33/night. But it does come with a COLOR TV and four channels. They're still working on the A/C. ;D ;D
That's why I want the Presidential Suite - that's the room with the color TV...
But, I didn't realize Art was getting so greedy. Might have to postpone for now...
Long story short - we won!
Split between 4 couples... Arnie/Hal - I can pop for a night at Art's if either of you are in town and need a place to crash. (it's $39 a night w/ HBO thank you very much... :D)
Arnie, you still hungry after your shrimp appetizer?
I've got most of this:
And 95% of this left over: (sorry, a little blury)
There is a bit of chopped brisket as well, enough for maybe 4 small sammies.
Our winning rounds were WWII movies (I've seen them all), and some obscure "fill in the blank lyrics"..
I'll have to give credit to 10.5 for his post (http://forum.bradleysmoker.com/index.php?topic=12655.msg145265#msg145265) the other day, for me knowing this one, and clinching the win:
Counting flowers on the wall,
That don't bother me at all.
Playing Solitaire till dawn,
With a deck of fifty-one.
Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.
I do expect full and complete compensation for that!! Would have loved to hear how you explained just how you knew that answer.
Quote from: Tenpoint5 on November 21, 2009, 09:09:10 PM
I do expect full and complete compensation for that!! Would have loved to hear how you explained just how you knew that answer.
I got more then a few looks for knowing a line from an obscure Bob Marley song... ::)
I can see you sitting at the table with a I just shot the neighbors cat look on your face and giggling like a school girl cause you knew the answer.
BOB MARLEY????? Uhhhh...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowers_on_the_Wall (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowers_on_the_Wall)
Quote from: hal4uk on November 21, 2009, 09:23:43 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowers_on_the_Wall (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowers_on_the_Wall)
Ok, I'll fess up.
Mom and Dad had that 8-track.. Along with Captain and Tennille, Jim Croce, etc. I listened to them all.
If I... Had a box... Made for wishes...
Well, nice of you to come clean.
I won't poke no more fun at Art's.
I meant to say, "it's very cosmopolitan".
BTW - even if 10.5 hadn't covered your butt, you coulda used one of your "Call A Friend" chips, and Bubba woulda saved ya.
What do you mean Squirt I STILL have a working 8 track player and a whole bunch of that music. I even have a copy of Foreigner Head Games on 8 track
I'm still not saying how I knew that Bob Marley lyric.. ;D
Quote from: Tenpoint5 on November 21, 2009, 09:39:47 PM
What do you mean Squirt I STILL have a working 8 track player and a whole bunch of that music. I even have a copy of Foreigner Head Games on 8 track
I think the last of the 8-tracks were shot to sh*t during the fire at my mom and dad's place 2 years ago...
But I do remember them fondly. Especially the cla-CLUNK mid-song during 'Flowers on the wall' :D
I still have a working 8 track also, have some Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, & a couple others I can't think of right now. Never could understand the popularity of these stupid things with the clunk.
:D :D :D
Oh boy do I remember that.... If you didn't have an under dash "Craig Power Play 8-Track" and some "Coaxial" spreakers in your "ride"... Well... you just weren't in the "in" crowd! :D ;D
Geezzz... We thought they sounded awesome! ::)
Counting flowers on the wall,
That don't bother me at all.
Playing Solitaire till dawn,
With a deck of fifty-one.
Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.
Now don't tell me, I've nuthin' to do.
That was a fun thread to read. Thanks guys.
Purple Haze fills my Brain........
Crank it up, CRG!
Lately things just don't seem the same
Acting funny but I don't know why
Scuse my while I kiss the sky :-*
Hit the shuffle button and you hear
Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong
My own beliefs are in my song.....
Boys, we can play this game ALL night long.
I've got music you guys have forgotten about.
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley...?
Don't come at us with that lame Kingston Trio stuff. If you had to pull a Kingston Trio song you need to be pulling something a little more obscure from those boys like "Get poor Charlie off the MTA" but the offical name of the song is "The man who never returned?.
How you like that one CRG? :D
Hal, CRG and I are going to leave you laying along side the road.
Yeah, I know...
But it's more fun punching a bag than air...
Got any Tijuana Brass lyrics for me?
I said,Shotgun shoot em for he runs now
Do the jerk baby
Do the jerk now
Put on your red dress
And then you go downtown now
I said buy yourself a shotgun now
We're gonna break it down baby now
We're gonna load it up baby now
And then you shoot him for he runs now
Quote from: hal4uk on November 23, 2009, 06:06:35 PM
Yeah, I know...
Got any Tijuana Brass lyrics for me?
We had the Herb Alpert 8-track as well!!!
Yeah... but did you listen to it in your Chis Craft on the Ohio River?
Junior Walker and the All-Stars! Nice pick.
Hal, Tijuana Brass lyrics.....puhleaze!! Can give you several titles of Tijuana Brass singles but that's way too easy.
There I was on a July morning
Looking for love
With the strength
Of a new day dawning
And the beautiful sun
Ok.. you wanna play hardball??
How bout "The Knotty Pine Quail Farm Band"
Uh huh Uh huh... C'mon...
Quote from: hal4uk on November 23, 2009, 06:19:14 PM
Ok.. you wanna play hardball??
How bout "The Knotty Pine Quail Farm Band"
Uh huh Uh huh... C'mon...
That last post was Uriah Heep.....july morning
You've got me on that one.
Who the he!! is that group and pray tell, tell CRG and me their greatest hit that someone other than you that was stoned out of your mind at their concert at the National Guard armory bought their cassette? ;)
Ok, I cheated.
That was me and a buddy - in my MSU days...
Had to pass the "Knotty Pine Quail Farm" between Paducah and Murray...
We liked the ring of it...
We had fans.. They were really stoned, but hey... ya take what you can get.
Let's face it...
Not much chance I'm gonna get any points in this game with "I met a gin-soaked bar room queen in Memphis..."
July Morning....wasn't on the Demons and Wizards album was it?
Wish I could think of some of the lyrics from the Emerson Lake and Palmer album, Tarkus.
You know the lyrics to one song that I GUARANTEE CRG won't know and as a matter of fact, I believe your name is on the credits of the CD that it is on.
"Caught up some old cypress stump 'cause I be......" ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
She reached into my drawer
Pulled out my old .44
Leavin' teeth, hair, brains and eyeballs on the floor...
Now I be floating in the swamp...
'Cause I be dead..
That would be the one!
CRG, Hal is actually an accomplished music lyricist.
Hal sang that one to me the other nite, great song.
OK, one more
I don't want you, cook my bread,
I don't want you, make my bed,
I don't want your money too,
I just wanna make love to you.
I don't want you, be no slave,
I don't want you, work all day,
I don't want you to be sad and blue,
I just wanna make love to you.
Quote from: hal4uk on November 23, 2009, 06:28:57 PM
Ok, I cheated.
That was me and a buddy - in my MSU days...
Had to pass the "Knotty Pine Quail Farm" between Paducah and Murray...
We liked the ring of it...
We had fans.. They were really stoned, but hey... ya take what you can get.
Let's face it...
Not much chance I'm gonna get any points in this game with "I met a gin-soaked bar room queen in Memphis..."
Missed that post, that is funny
Here's one CRG should know, but I doubt it.
Can you guess my name? Can you guess my trade?
I'm going to catch you anyway.
You might be right. I'll give you guesses three.
Feel me climbing up your knee.
Ain't that the boyz that did Terraplane Blues?
Hey Squirt!
Were you cooking something?
Snot runnin down my nose
greasy finger cleing my shabby clothes
is ole' Jethro Tull
took you long enough to look it up!!!
Steel Monkey would be the name of the song.
"Take your drunken ass home"
I knew it was Tull......really not one of my fav's
And yes I looked it up, but knew it was Ian.
Quote from: classicrockgriller on November 23, 2009, 04:16:58 PM
That was a fun thread to read. Thanks guys.
Purple Haze fills my Brain........
Took the new critter in for shots this morning, and she was fussing up a storm on the highway...
Kept flipping channels to find some music to calm her down. Finally ran across..
"There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth...Did the trick.
ClassicRockKitten ;)
Now, THAT is a good cat.
Quote from: classicrockgriller on November 24, 2009, 08:16:48 AM
Now, THAT is a good cat.
I figured she might be a Hendrix fan the other night...
'cause I'm a voodoo child
Lord knows I'm a voodoo child baby (http://lh5.ggpht.com/_CbvAIVzmFFM/SwwJQtjqEuI/AAAAAAABAk0/cHBsZgUH8sA/voodoo.jpg)
now that's kinda spooky