Great Christmas - Wife and kids love the smoked meat off of my UDS. When we got some smoked cheese from friends they wanted me to make that. So my presents today consisted of: OBS, Auber PID, Maverick et73, bubba pucks, wood pucks, cold smoke box kit, parts to add the 2nd element mod, electric food slicer, and a 12 pack of Bud. (guess they got all the hints)
Did the seasoning tonite and will do the mods tomorrow. Right now I just finished seeing how high I could run it since people have stated they have had problems. I wanted to make sure everything worked before I do the mod and blow the warranty. Got it to 260 and figured that was good enough. Tomorrow I'll mod and break it in with some chicken and ABTs. I have a brisket curing (for pastrami) and pork belly curing (for bacon). Oh yeah, I guess I owe the family some cheese :). Will post pics when I cooking.
Sounds like a pretty good day GusRobin!
You're going to want to cold smoke the cheese and then either vac seal or wrap in plastic wrap and don't eat it for at least 10 days. If you try it straight out of the Bradley it is going to taste like a very bad ashtray. Trust me on this. Everyone will verify what I'm telling you. Your family will think you're nuts when you tell them they can't have any straight out of the Bradley but it's true.
that's what the beer is for - the waiting period--looks like I need more beer :)