Would this b ok? I want 2 smoke a 10lb pork ham!was going 2 smoke 4 3-4 hrs.Then take 5lb and freeze and take the other 5lb and finish in the over? Then the other 5lb when we want it put it in the oven aswell.Give me some ideas what u guys think!Thanks
Is it a cured ham and you are just going to smoke it? I brined one and due to weather I could not smoke it so wrapped it good and then froze it. Later after thawing I glazed it and cooked in oven. Was the best tasting ham I ever had. It was so simple to do. thks Piker
Yes it is cured! I Want just 2 smoke it 4 like 4 hrs then finish 5lb of it in the oven!Freeze the other 5 lb then put it in the oven when we r ready 4 it!
It would be wiser to partially cook the ones that you are going to freeze or fully cook it and freeze it; instead of just going by hours of smoke.
Partially cook is bringing it up to 137°F, then rapidly cool it and freeze. The 137°F may be a hold over for the prevention of Trichinae, but most books and the USDA recommend that temperature. When ready to use you will need to bring the internal temperature to 152° - 160°F.
Fully cooked is bringing it up to an internal temperature of 152°F. When ready to use you will need to bring the internal temperature to 140°F.
OK Thank you!
Good luck smokin'! Be sure to let us know how it turns out.
Mrs S
Will do im going 2 do it Saturday along with some bacon!