Ended up with more meat than planned so I am getting started on my 4th of July smoking tonight. Up first a 9 lb and an 8 lb butt and some pistachios. By the time we all gather on Sunday I will have some ABTs and two brisket flats as well.
One butt with The Juicy Pig rub. Ingredients below.
Other butt with Target knock off of CT and Jan's Rub
Both butts about to go in after sitting over night
Pistachios. Still have not picked up any cheese cloth.
Ingredients in The Juicy Pig are listed as: brown sugar, fine sea salt, paprika, garlic, white sugar, black pepper, cayenne, comino, orange zest, and other spices.
Doing 4 hours of oak and two hours of hickory. Will pull the nuts after about 3 hours.
Smart to start early and with the pig so it can mello out together.
Be careful pulling your nuts! ;D
Always careful pulling smokin' nuts!
Here they are after 6 hours of smoke
19 hours and first one hit 195. Now to FTC
Briskets rubbed and waiting
Second butt hit 195* after 21 hours. Raining cats and dogs up here. The first one was Jan's Rud this one is The Juicy Pig rub.
Butts look great!
FTC both butts and just pulled both. I have to say the Jan's Rub with Target knock of CT is better. I rotated top to to bottom front to back after the smoke and the butt with Jan's ended up on top and came out first. Great taste and texture. After the smoke I put a foil pan on the last rack with some water so I could go to bed and not worry for a while. Did not rotate again after I got up. The butt on the lower rack took a few more hours to reach 195*. Also, the lower butt did not seems to melt the fat away comared to the butt that was on top for the majority of the time.
Is this due to the rub (Jan's was on top majority of the time) or the second one being above the foil pan with water? Either way they are both darn good. Whipped up some CRG Cilantro Potato Salad and now two briskets are in the OBS for 4 hours of hickory. Will make some mustard potato salad and ABTs tomorrow for the bid 4th celebration tomorrow evening.
In FTC for 5 hours and burned my hands when I unwrapped it. Bone fell out
Jan's butt all pulled.
Second butt. Bone again fell right out.
Man we are going to party tomorrow.
I love this recipe from CRG
Looks like some good eatin' there!
Hey DT - couple questions.
What is the Target CT knockoff, and which recipe from CRG?
It is Archer Farm brand Carolina Stle BBQ Sauce. Cilantro Potato Salad below.
From CRG: I have been making this for years and over time got it to what I think is awesome eats. The following recipe is based on a per pound of potatoes. Better make more than a pound, you will be sorry if you don't.
1lb of new red potato
1/4 lb of crisp fried crumbled or chopped bacon
3 heaping tablespoons of Kraft mayo
1 rounded teaspoon of minced garlic
1/2 ts of salt
1/2 ts of black pepper
1/4 cup of finely diced sweet yellow onion
1/2 of a fresh lemon juiced or lime
1/4 cup of finely chopped cilantro
How I do it
I cubed my potatoes as to not get too big of cubes so they all kinda cook the same. Put enough water in pot to cover the amount of potatoes you are cooking and turn on high. After the water starts to boil, put in two or more Zatarains shrimp and crayfish boil bags. (there again the number would depend on how much you are making) After you have boiled the bags a while, dump in taters bring back to boil and then turn it down to low. when your largest chunk of tater just starts to get soft shut it down and dump into a collander. Don't rinse all that good stuff off the potatoes.
In a large bowl add: mayo, garlic, salt, pepper, yellow onion, cilantro and lemon or lime juice. stir together and let sit for 5 mins or so. dump half of bacon in mix and then potatoes and then other half of bacon and fold everbody together. when you are ready to eat this top with green onion tops. Yum Yum
First time I made it I used two bags of Zatarins. It was pretty dang spicy. This time used just one and still has a nice kick, just not real spicy. So depending on your taste or whoever plans on eating it, adjust accordingly.
Both brisktes done and FTC. Perfect timing. They will be ready to slice at 5:30. ABTs in the smoke now. Made some mustard potato salad as well.
Second brisket
ABTs getting ready
Your guests better bow to you. I know I would.
man my mouth is watering. I need to post some pic of the 10lb'er we did. Its going to get eaten today.
Your guess won't ever leave! ;D
That is some beautiful work/play David!
I stand up and applaude you!
Happy 4th!
Man what a weekend. Lots of smoking and culminated in a great evening. Rain held off and temps were actually bearable. Everyone loved all the food. Did not get a pic of the ABTs after smoking because as soon as I brought them in and the first person tried one, everyone devoured them. Everyone, and myself, were amazed at how crispy the bacon got on the ABTs in the smoker.
The brisket was amazing. I pulled both at 185* IT and FTC for a few hours. Was perfect for slicing and melted in your mouth. Reheated the butt in the crock pot with some apple juice. Cilantro potato salad was a huge hit (thanks CRG).
As I sit here recalling it all, I think of two young men, son's of guests at our house tonight, one at the Air Force Academy, one in boot camp for the Navy. I pray for them and all looking out for us. God Bless!
Plowed through the first brisket. Here is the second one sliced.
Again, you had a great plan and worked it to perfection.
Guess where everybody wants to be for a cook-out!
Great job and glad you enjoyed the Cilantro Tater Salad.
I had a handful out of 9 1/2 lbs left over from today.
Gave the recipe to 5 people.