I have an Original Smoker but the temp fails to go higher than 150 degrees. How can I get the heat up??
Mark Welcome to the Forum.
Can you see if the element is getting red.
You need to give us more info and maybe we can help.
Was this temp reading taken empty or full of meat?
Is this from the door thermo or under the bottom rack of meat?
You need to figure out what is giving you 150f. If the heating element is warm but not hot then something is wrong there. But if it is cold and the Bisquette burner is hot then your heat is only coming from that, which I suspect is the case because of the temp which is about what the puck burner will give you. Try plugging and unplugging the cords and see if that helps. When the heating element is on it glows a pretty good shade of red. If you are not getting any heat from it then plug the cord from the cabinet straight into the wall socket, if you don't get heat from the element then let us know and we can look at some other things. Also try to move the slider control just slightly back from fully on, some smokers had a slight dead spot right at the end.
Hello, I had the same problem when I used it on an extension cord, I removed the cord and plugged in to the house and ut jumped to 250 in under 10 min. Let us know what you find...
check the front slide switch on the bottom front of the smoker and be sure that it is almost all the way to the right, second, start off cold and turn on your main heater with the door closed, and see what the temperature climbs to if it climbs above 150... to over 200... then you have a bad sensor in the back of the cook / smoking box, it is basically located behind th second rack down and it will have to be replaced call bradley