I am not very confident with setting up my PID program yet. This is what I think I need for butts does this look correct to you guys?
C01 250 E01 T 2.0
C02 220 F02 195
C03 130 T03 30.0
I have BDS6R and the way I see it I need to control the SG manually as there are no connections between the PID and SG but the directions refer to R1/R2 settings to control the SG.
Quotehave BDS6R and the way I see it I need to control the SG manually as there are no connections between the PID and SG but the directions refer to R1/R2 settings to control the SG.
I have the OBS with the dual probe so mine may be a little different set-up but don't think so.
Does your pid look like this?
If so, you plug the smoke generator into the noted plug, set the R/1 to the part of your cycle that you want the generator to start and R/2 to the cycle where you want it to stop. It will send power to the sg at the beginning of the R/1 cycle and turn it off at the start of the cycle identified as r/2. Does this help?
It looks exactly the same but it did not come with a cord with male connectors on both ends and the diagram for the digital shows no connection between PID and SG.
Two things from the auber site:
Quote1) For Bradley Digital Smoker owners, an extra power cord is needed if you are going to run the smoker for longer than 13 hr. You can either purchase an extra power cord by click the box below or use a regular computer power cord of your own.
QuoteThe synchronized AC output can be used to turn on and off the smoker generator with the program step(s). For example, you can program the smoker to dry the sausage at 140F until the internal temperature reaches 100F (step 1), turn on the Bradley Smoker generator for 2 hours at 150F (step 2), then, turn off the generator to continue the next step. (This function might not be used for Bradley Digital Smoker because it has a built-in timer). Up to two program steps can by synchronized with the AC output.
So maybe you can't control the sg? I think we need someone with the DBS and dual PID to answer. Sorry I couldn't be more help.