Call me crazy, but i didn't even know there was such a thing as a Fatty until i bought my smoker.
So i've seen all the ones rolled in sausage, stuffed with eggs, etc.....
One of my favorite foods are hamburgers, so immediately it comes to mind on a game day to create a cheeseburger fatty.
This would include beef, bacon, cheese, onions, basically the works. Most of a cheeseburgers contents, I can see going into a smoker, but could one even take it further, put lettuce, tomato, pickles, inside as well, or would that basically render a withered, wilted mushy stack of disgust?
Perhaps someone has thoughts, ideas, recipes, pics, anything?
I would stop at the pickles. Now if you have all the other ingredients you could slice the fatty and then make burgers out of them and top with the lettuce and tomato
I like it, I like it a lot.
It hadn't even occurred to me to put it on a bun!
Sounds like my weekend plan is coming together better than I had thought.
Please put some pics when you'll do it!
I want to see that! ;D
I thought a Fatty was something you smoke ....... ;D.
So my humble question is whats a FATTY.
Quote from: bubtrauma on October 20, 2010, 11:21:55 AM
I thought a Fatty was something you smoke ....... ;D.
So my humble question is whats a FATTY.
Imagine my surprise when I was looking at a smoking time guide, and it said to smoke a fatty for 3 hours!
Everyone loves a fatty!
Heck Yeah...
Looks Awesome!!
I'm agreeing with Chris on this one to leave out the lettuce and tomato. Put that on at meal time.
Looking forward to this one!
Hey i no fatty
I lost 14 more pounds
Quote from: bubtrauma on October 20, 2010, 11:21:55 AM
So my humble question is whats a FATTY.
Simple definition -A fattie is a meat roll made of ground meat that is spread flat, various ingredients placed on top. It is then rolled into a roll and sometimes wrapped in a weave made of bacon.
Here is a tutorial on one way to make one. Others may provide other links, but this will give you the concept. (
Quote from: GusRobin on October 20, 2010, 12:59:29 PM
Quote from: bubtrauma on October 20, 2010, 11:21:55 AM
So my humble question is whats a FATTY.
Simple definition -A fattie is a meat roll made of ground meat that is spread flat, various ingredients placed on top. It is then rolled into a roll and sometimes wrapped in a weave made of bacon.
Here is a tutorial on one way to make one. Others may provide other links, but this will give you the concept. (
In its simplest form. Take a roll of Breakfast Sausage, take off the plastic casing, throw on some of your favorite rub, toss in the smoker when smoking something like ribs when the sausage is 160ยบ take it out slice and enjoy
I'd leave the L&T for topping on a bun.
Use plenty of cheese in the roll. A trick I learned from my butcher was to put a half English muffin on each end, tied length-wise with a string. It'll hold in the cheese and the muffin is edible. ;D
Don't forget to put your favorite sauce in there.