BRADLEY SMOKER | "Taste the Great Outdoors"

Bradley Smokers => The Black Bradley Smoker (BTIS1) => Topic started by: pwaldman on November 01, 2010, 06:18:08 PM

Title: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: pwaldman on November 01, 2010, 06:18:08 PM
Just bought the OBS 3 weeks ago, worked great.  Bought an Auber dual probe, love it.  Used it for the first time last weekend and 4 hours into the smoke the heat in the main box stopped working.  Finished the meat in my oven and it turned out OK.  Next day went to troubleshoot.  Direct connect to the main element; cold.  Took it apart and checked front slider, in-line fuse and finally the element itself.  Element is showing open.  OK, it happens.  Called today, was walked through troubleshooting - guess what, bad element!  New one on the way.  However, the lady I spoke with said elements should not burn out unless there is a voltage spike that causes it to go open.  Always thought that what fuses were for?  Anyway, my question is could it be the Auber unit or something with the slider in the front that would make a good heating element go bad?  I'm a little concerned that it went open so quickly!  Every couple of years with a fair amount if use I can live with but not knowing what to expect when in the middle of a smoke is a bit disheartening.  Love to hear reinforcement from this great group to put my mind at ease.   :-[

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Mr Walleye on November 01, 2010, 07:48:26 PM
Hi pwaldman and welcome to the forum.

A burnt out element is not really a common problem, or a least in my experience. I would suspect you just got a bad element. I also highly doubt the PID would have anything to do with it as well. To my knowledge there's no way for the PID to amplify the voltage.

My Bradley is about 4 years old and has never burned out an element to date, as well I run a PID.

Keep us posted how you make out.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: pwaldman on November 01, 2010, 08:06:26 PM
Thanks Mike, appreciate the feedback.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Bradley (Head Office) on November 01, 2010, 08:10:15 PM
Hi Pete

Like Mike has stated the elements normally last for years, but with that being said it is a heat element and they can burn out at anytime with no warning.

We have some new Ladies in the office being trained for customer service, I think she may have mixed up the information
voltage spikes should blow the fuses in the smokers.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Cleaver on November 01, 2010, 09:04:03 PM
Lol just came online to post that mine died as well today.   Same thing open in the heating coil. I got one on warranty. And I've paid for second one. Just incase they have gotten a bad run going. Or just in case I decide to install the extra element for quicker recovery.
Woman from Bradley went through the troubleshooting but I already has the element in my hand. Ohm meter showing it open.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: pwaldman on November 02, 2010, 07:08:18 AM
Thanks Mike. 

Cleaver - I guess an extra heating element on hand makes sense, just hope we don't have to make it a routine thing.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Cleaver on November 03, 2010, 11:51:25 AM
naw I already have decided to install the second one in the smoker.  Mr. Walleye had given me his old PID.  Now its a perfect time to set it up.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: beefmann on November 03, 2010, 01:51:03 PM
hello pete and welcome to the forum

as others has indicated voltage spikes can blow fuses and  damage the heating  elements, with that  said Bradley is  taking  care of you and they  have good customer care

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: car54 on November 03, 2010, 02:07:57 PM
Welcome to the forum. My element is 7 years old and has not been replaced, but I do have a spare just in case. What happened to yours is probably an oddity. My Bradley keeps on ticking.

Enjoy, Brad
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: TonyL222 on November 03, 2010, 03:09:47 PM
I hate to say it, but I guess I'm number 3 this week.  Was cooking a turkey breast at 225 today and all looked good.  after about 4 hrs into the smoke, I noticed that the temp had dropped to 195 and the digits were slowly dropping.  Took the breast out and finished it in the oven.

Called Bradley and they walked me through some trouble shooting.  Looks like a bad element, and they are shipping me a warranty replacement.  I received the OBS last Tuesday and this is only my 3rd smoke.  Maybe they got a bad batch of elements from a sub par supplier.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Cleaver on November 03, 2010, 07:45:36 PM
lol sorry to hear about yours as well.  We shouldn't start a rumour though I guess.  These smokers can sit in a store for months before they are purchased
I just think we all come here to post the gone bad senerio or the awesomest (daughters word).  Most ppl just drop in once in awhile.  Where a few are here everyday, from those few we learn.

God I love this forum!  And yes I do have a life ;D
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: DTAggie on November 03, 2010, 07:49:27 PM
My element went out after a few months.  Replacement has lasted several months now.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: RossP on November 03, 2010, 09:34:39 PM
I must have got a good one, mine is 2 years old and I have not had a bit of trouble with it. I guess I am missing out on the great service Bradley gives. ;) For every one that has a problem there are hundreds that have no problems. Love my OBS.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Quarlow on November 03, 2010, 09:42:20 PM
The thing with a voltage spike is it would likely have taken out the PID also. If you have a history of spikes in your area you should try installing a surge protector.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: TonyL222 on November 04, 2010, 04:27:34 AM
I used a PID and I'm very confident there was no voltage spike.  I'm happy with Bradley's immediate response by sending me a new heating element - hopefully from a different supplier.  Thought about purchasing a 2nd for a spare, but decided I didn't need to do that while the unit is still under warranty.  After the warranty ends, I'll think about the duel element mod.  Still have a year to go.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: pwaldman on November 04, 2010, 06:47:45 AM
Thanks to all that have replied.  I was not trying to give off a warning of "the sky is falling", I just wanted to reassure myself that elements burning open that early are out of the norm.  I understand about voltage spike which normally do not occur in my area and that the PID and/or one of the fuses should have been affected had a sufficiently high spike occurred.  Agree about the great service and the quality of the products.  Just waiting on the new element so I can get back to smoking and sharing with this group.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: classicrockgriller on November 04, 2010, 07:02:03 AM
I have been reading and posting on the Forum going on two years, and the

number of people that have had a burnt out element that has reported it on

the Forum is a small hand full. I have used mine sometimes 7 days in a roll and

I haven't had a problem. Bradley took care of all the problems and everyone is

smokin". So whatcha gonna smoke now?
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Cleaver on November 06, 2010, 09:30:32 PM
Well since grey cup is almost apon us again. I'm planning a on ten rack of ribs for the 28th.
Thanks again to Mr. Walleye for the PID I installed into a old computer power supply case. Which already has one plug built in.
I'm all excited waiting for the heater mod to be finished. Drilled holes and just waiting for heaters to show up.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Mr Walleye on November 07, 2010, 07:35:17 AM
Your welcome Cleaver. You'll have that baby smokin' in no time.  8)

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: tevans1224 on November 22, 2010, 05:07:41 PM
Guess what? I had the exact same issue with mine.  I'm afraid it has something to do with the PID.  Mine also died at the 4 hour mark.  That's the common thing that I've read from a couple of the other posts here.  What happens at the four hour mark that could possibly cause the heating element to die at that time?
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: tevans1224 on November 22, 2010, 05:10:48 PM
Oh, by the way, my last post is in no way a complaint.  I've had my Bradley for about 4 years with no problems.  I love it!  I just think it's weird that the ones that are burning up the heating element are all at 4 hours.  Something must be happen within the smoker at the 4 hour mark to cause it.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: dman4505 on November 25, 2010, 11:16:18 AM
Element in mine went out today I'll have to wait until my next day off to call and order a new one.
Two hours into Turkey Day, had to pull the bird out and straight into the oven.
Hope customer service is as nice as everyone here paints them to be, I've only had my OBS since July.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: starship on November 25, 2010, 01:57:27 PM
I "THINK" I damaged one last week. I left out the V shield, and cleaned my elements. Now one won't come on.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Hawg35 on November 27, 2010, 09:03:05 AM
Hello all!

First off great forum with so much information, been lurking here for months since buying a OBS...which I love.

My question, does anybody have detailed troubleshooting instructions for a burnt out element?  Wanted to smoke some chicken wings today and not getting any heat from the main element.  Checked fuze, power cords, adjusted the slider switch setting, etc but nothing helps.  Bradley customer service is closed until Mon but I would like to at least figure out what the problem is over the weekend.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Habanero Smoker on November 27, 2010, 01:11:20 PM
Lately there seems to be a multitude of elements going bad. Since it was so uncommon in the past; even for the glass elements; a FAQ has never been written up. If someone would like to post those trouble shooting tips for checking the element I would glady post it on the recipe site.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: dman4505 on November 29, 2010, 04:14:16 PM
Got off the phone this evening with customer service, they're the best, the lady I spoke with walked me through a couple trouble shooting items and then took my delivery information. Should have a new element in a few days since they're in Illinois and I'm in Iowa.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Hawg35 on November 30, 2010, 07:29:55 PM
I will also vouch for Bradleys customer service.  Called them yesterday, he talked thru the troubleshooting, then put a new heating element in the mail today...should be back in smoke by the weekend.

Here is how he had me troubleshoot the element:

1.  Plug the small cord (smoke generator to smoker) into the long cord (outlet to smoke generator).  Wanted to take the generator out of the equation.
2.  Check the condition of the slider switch, make sure there is no obvious damage.
3.  Ensure the power light on the smoker is on.
4.  Try various positions of the slider switch and check for heat from the element (in case there is a "dead" spot on the slider).

We never got any heat out of the element so they put a new one in the mail for me.  He seemed surprised that the element was bad because I have only had the smoker since August and keep it under the Bradley cover on a covered porch in Tucson so it is not old or exposed to the elements.  Hoping the new part works and I will be back smoking this weekend!
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: thirtydaZe on December 01, 2010, 10:33:53 AM
Just going to add to this thread as i just stumbled upon it today.

My heating element quit heating on thanksgiving day after about 12 or so hours.  I too was using a PID.

Called Bradley yesterday, did my troubleshooting last night and had to leave a message for call back today.

Although my Heating Element hasn't been confirmed, from the sounds of it, that where the problem is pointing to.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Brisket Lover on December 01, 2010, 10:42:09 AM
Mine died twice, well so I thought because both times it was something else. Somehow moisture got to the slider board the one time, the other was a blown fuse.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Bradley (Head Office) on December 01, 2010, 03:09:28 PM
Quote from: Hawg35 on November 30, 2010, 07:29:55 PM
Here is how he had me troubleshoot the element:

1.  Plug the small cord (smoke generator to smoker) into the long cord (outlet to smoke generator).  Wanted to take the generator out of the equation.
2.  Check the condition of the slider switch, make sure there is no obvious damage.
3.  Ensure the power light on the smoker is on.
4.  Try various positions of the slider switch and check for heat from the element (in case there is a "dead" spot on the slider).

These are all good troubleshooting tips.

("Dead spot on the slider" I have never run into this yet)

The best way to check your heat element is with a electrical meter, either check it for continuity or a ohm reading, this will tell you positively if it is burnt out.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Habanero Smoker on December 02, 2010, 01:57:02 AM
Thanks! I didn't see this post earlier. I will add it to the FAQ's.


If the heating element is bad will the pilot light still get power. When checking with a ohm meter, what should the reading be.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Bradley (Head Office) on December 02, 2010, 07:24:16 PM
Quote from: Habanero Smoker on December 02, 2010, 01:57:02 AM
Thanks! I didn't see this post earlier. I will add it to the FAQ's.


If the heating element is bad will the pilot light still get power. When checking with a ohm meter, what should the reading be.

Hi Habs

Yes with the tower plugged directly to the wall outlet (no smoke generator) the power indicator light will be on if you have a burnt out heat element.

The ohm reading on a good element should be in the range of 27-32 ohms.

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Hawg35 on December 02, 2010, 07:31:09 PM
Follow up on my burnt out element...

New one arrived in the mail today (thanks Bradley Smoker for the quick service), took just a few minutes to swap the new one in for the old, plugged in the smoker and the element heated right up.

Smoker is up and running for the weekend now thanks to the troubleshooting help and great customer service from Bradley.

Now I'm hoping to find a PID in my stocking on X-Mas so I can add a second element....

Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: Habanero Smoker on December 03, 2010, 01:41:46 AM
Quote from: Bradley (Head Office) on December 02, 2010, 07:24:16 PM
Quote from: Habanero Smoker on December 02, 2010, 01:57:02 AM
Thanks! I didn't see this post earlier. I will add it to the FAQ's.


If the heating element is bad will the pilot light still get power. When checking with a ohm meter, what should the reading be.

Hi Habs

Yes with the tower plugged directly to the wall outlet (no smoke generator) the power indicator light will be on if you have a burnt out heat element.

The ohm reading on a good element should be in the range of 27-32 ohms.


Thank Brian.

I'll add this to my to do list.
Title: Re: Burnt out heating element?
Post by: dman4505 on December 03, 2010, 05:04:20 PM
Received my new element yesterday, will install it this weekend and hopefully be up and running by Monday.
