Good day all,
The first experiment didn't go so well due to the thinness of the meat. I have found a local butcher that can get me the right meats in but wanted to check the price points with you guys.
Bacon 8-10lb pieces $2.99
Fresh ham 18lbs $2.49
pork fat $2.00
I know you are in USA but in CAN the last time I bought bellies I paid around 2.59/LB.....I think?
I have been paying around $1.89 for most of my other pork. (mostly butts and ground)
Probably not much help but our dollars are really close right now.
Bought a whole pork belly plus half another two weeks weeks ago for $2.79/lb - no pieces, no cryopac, just a stiff-as-a-board frozen belly.
I have a local Asian Market that has bellies for 1.29 a pound on special with a limit of one, Wife and I will buy 1 each and into vac seal and freeze. They are delivered fresh, never been frozen. Only prob is they are only 5 lb bellies. Not a big deal, but I would prefer larger pieces.
I've got an uncle that butchers hogs all the time for his boss, just ask and you shall receive. Should be getting 2 full-sized pork bellies from him. He just butchered another pig today and I will be getting the ham from that guy (The bellies and shoulders went into some summer sausage)
My local butcher charges $2.49/lb for bellies.
I have been getting fresh pork shoulder(hock off)for $1/lb at Sobey's when they have it on sale, usually once a month.
So not to far out considering it's a special order for this place.
It will be a little while as I'm in chocolate mode for Christmas candies right now. I am planning a ham for Christmas but that's just a little ways away.
You could always indulge us with your chocolate making. Maybe we could pick up some Suck Up points with our wives.
Not sure you'll want chocolate tips from me. I'm as into chocolate the way you guys are into smoke, though I'm trying to catch up.
Some of my popular flavors are:
habanero, mango, rum truffles
cookie dough truffles
I've even used some smoke when I made ground chipotle in two fudges. One with milk chocolate and pecans and the other with dark chocolate with raspberry. The pecan one was really popular as I dusted the top with a lot of ground chipotle.