We were in the Chat Room last nite and I ask if anyone had seen Arnie on
line. Everyone said NO and someone checked and his last log on was the 25th.
So I called him last nite and was told he was asleep. I get a phone call back from
his number today and his wife told me to call him at a different number. She said
he was in the Hospital and for me to call him. I got to talk to him and he said last
Tuesday he moved the car from the garage and the drive is on an incline. When he
stepped out of the car the driveway was icy and his footing gave way. Down he went
and an amblance took him to the Hospital and he has been there every since. Said he
has nothing broken, just bruised up pretty bad. He thinks he will get out in a cple days.
Best wishes Arnie for a speedy recovery! ;D
Dang, that's quite a fall.. Did he sound Ok?
He did. Being in a hospital for a week isn't a vacation and he sounded
a little down about that. Says he misses his computer. Gonna give Him
a call back tomorrow and check up on Him.
Good deal.
Wow -- that's a major bummer! A week ? Must have been quite a spill.
Frigin Ice, Get well soon Arnie :)
Get better Arnie, a hospital is no place to get well! I know this for a fact (been in there way to many times in the pass 4 years
Thanks for the update Sonny. Wishing Arnie well and a speedy recovery.
Get well soon Arnie!
was thinking this myself recently
all the best Arnie!
Dang Sorry to hear that. Get Well Soon my friend!!
Dang Arnie, Hurry up and get the heck out of there!
Hurry and get well,Arnie!
Your Bradley awaits you !
Jim O
Sorry to hear about that Arnie. Hope you're up and around again soon!
Bummer to here about your fall Arnie.
Hope all is good and you get back on your feet soon.
Take care my friend.
Hope you mend quick Arnie. I miss those dinner pics. All the best for a speedy recovery.
Just talked with him a few minutes ago.
He's looking forward to being released today, and wants to get home and settled before the brunt of the monster storm hits later today/tonight. He said hopes he can find his way here tonight.
Be good to know he's out of the jab and stab hostel and doing well.
I'm sore and pained just thinking about it! Get well Arnie - I need more drool on my puter keyboard!
Just talked to Him also and he said they were waiting to
re-lease Him later to day when the roads Iced over. ;D
I know he will he happy to be Home!
Hope they do't wait to long to release you Arnie. That way you don't have to book a return room because of the ice again. :o ;D
Get home SOON!!! :)
Thanks for all of the well wishes. I'll be using s walker and cane for a while but I'm alive.
Thanks for the call back Sonny. Dang hospital phone won't allow long distance calls.
Good to see ya back.
Glad to hear you're up and about, Arnie.
Great to hear Arnie!! I hate hospitals, been there way to many times in the pass 4 year, the only thing that was good was the cute nurses ;) other than that not much I like about them.
Welcome back, Arnie!
Hey Arnie, glad to see you back.
Just made my whole day to see Arnie is back home :) :) :)
Glad your back Arnie, sorry to hear about the fall.
Here's to a speed recovery!
Good to see you back Arnie.
Hey Arnie, glad you're back. Now, take care of yourself.
Glad they let you go Home.
Take care of yourself so We won't have to hunt you down!
Ya want me to send my PT gal over ;D
Get well soon Mi Amigo
PT = physical torture
It's a socially acceptable career and outlet for sadists.
Hey cousin, I just seen this post and I am glad to hear you got sprung from the joint. Hope you are feeling better. I hope the dent in your driveway won't take to much fill to fix it. ;D I do know how you feel, Like a mack truck run over ya eh. You take it easy buddy a have a speedy recovery.
Good Talking with you today Arnie hopefully you will be feeling better here real soon. Just remember we don't bounce like we used to.
Arnie, Glad you are home!
Take care of yourself and a speedy recovery ;)
Arnie, so glad to see you back where you belong! Home is so much better! Hoping to see some food pics soon. Maybe Mrs Arnie needs to pamper you for a while! ;D ;D
Arnie - Glad to hear your out of the hospital! Take care buddy!
Yeah Caney, home IS better. The part where the little blond nurse's aid came by to give me a shave, sponge bath and back rub wasn't so bad though. ;D
attaboy cuz
Welcome home.
Welcome back. I just getting to this post. Sorry to hear you injured yourself. I'm glad you're recovery fine.
Soak up the treatment while you can. Good to hear you are home safe.
Glad to hear things are better. Take care and smoke somethin....
Welcome back Arnie!
How bad do I have to hurt myself to get the "little blond nurse" treatment? ;)
Arnie missed this :o that had to really suck hope you are getting better
Just saw this
Glad to hear you're doing well
Arnie I am so sorry I missed this completely. Mr told me about it tonight at dinner.
No broken bones? Everything is getting better? I can't imagine being cooped up in a hospital for an entire week.
Of course, nothing like going home in an ICE storm to get the blood circulating again......
Take care of yourself! This winter weather could stop any time now, and I don't think anyone would miss it....
Aint herd much from you my friend, hope things are goin well for you my friend.
Sucks to be down, hope you are doin good.
Thanks again to all of you for your well wishes.
I'm doing better though still pretty sore. The physical therapy lady is coming over again today. She gave me exercises to do that I have been faithfully doing. I hope she doesn't have to come back any more.
I'm not sure if I have an OBS any more. There was a huge column of ice on the corner of the house. It finally let go and the OBS was in the way. I still have 2 1/2 - 3 feet of ice and snow on the deck so I can't get out to check on it for some time.
Oh sh... uh, ... Oh Oh !
Dang Arnie, that sucks!
I'll keep my finger crossed.
That huge column of ice bites.
Hopefully if theres any damage on the OBS its only cosmetic.
I have found if you give 100% to that PT you get better faster, been there done that. ;D
Ice falling from the roof and hitting the Bradley has happened to me a couple of times. Each time it hit directly on top of the cabinet with no damage other then breaking the knob off the vent. The other problem was that each time it ripped the cover. This weekend you should have someone place a 33 gallon garbage bag over it until it can be replaced. It's just the right size that will not blow off, but using a bungee cord would be added insurance.
Arnie, I think the Winter Gods are trying to tell you to move to Del Boca Vista!
Have you had your smoker dug out yet?
Quote from: Caneyscud on February 14, 2011, 12:44:44 PM
Have you had your smoker dug out yet?
Nope. It'll probably be a while. Still having some difficulty just walking around the house.
The snow is receding some. I can see the left extension shelf is broken off my Weber and that's just from the snow load. >:(
We're supposed to have warmer weather later in the week before it gets cold again so more snow should melt off.
Just keep getting better that's the main thing! ;D
keep Mobil.
Hope the Physical Therapist is a knock out.
That always help.
Thanks TR.
CRG - She's 55 and a real nice lady. I had her discharge me last Friday. I have two pages of exercises to do on my own and I am faithfully doing them. I have noticed some improvement.
Thanks again all.
Glad to hear you are coming along Cuzin. Hope you have a speedy recover.