I looked into the vault and drew a paper out :o
Berliner Sausage.
1 1/2 lb poke butt
1/2 lb GB chuck
1/2 lb boned chicken or turkey thigh meat. very little fat.
Grind with fine to med plate. Your choice. I use the med
2 1/4 tsp non iodized salt
1/2 tsp cure #1
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp garlic granules
1/4 cup finely minced onion
1/2 cup dry milk
1/4 cup cold water
1 Tbs clear corn syrup
1-2 fiberous casings SS sz, soaked
Mix all the dry with the water and corn syrup. Pour this into ground meat and mix well. By hand is better so the fat does not render and stick to the mixer. This recipe has poultry in it so your looking for an IT of 160-165* Cold water dunk em to cool. Dont exceed 175* IT of your smoker.
After the bloom put chubs in fridge overnight so the flavor can to mellow.
Damn this sounds good. But hard to smoke when the Bradley is in a moving box. ;D
Thank you...now in my book...
Thanks Rick.
I have two chubs goibg into the smoker in about 5 minutes, can't believe I was up at 5:30 AM to get this going but I also have 10 pounds of venison sticks to finishe today, If this taste half as good as it smells this will be KILLER good sausage !! Thanks Rick!!