Chicken-stuffed, bacon wrapped gator.
A manly cook if ever there was one.
Skin get crispy or are you gonna have to crisp it up under a broiler!!?? :o
I want to see the finished product for sure.
I'll let the turtle have this one :o :o :o
WOW! Can't wait to see the finished product. Since Jan's rub was originally formulated for poultry, and Gator "tastes like chicken", did you use it or something else? Or just go with the bacon?
I saw that on discovery channel a few months back, it was done by a company called Gator Pit bar-b-ques. They come out of Texas. Guy built a huge 3 place BBQ and grilled up that bad boy on King of the grill on discovery.
Can't say I would try that but...
Paul you sure you didn't see this at Jazz Fest? :)
Gator taste like frog legs not chicken. If I tasted a chicken that tasted like a gator I'd spit it out :o :o :o
Quote from: KyNola on May 13, 2014, 07:23:48 PM
Paul you sure you didn't see this at Jazz Fest? :)
? ???
Quote from: CoreyMac on May 14, 2014, 07:15:45 AM
Quote from: KyNola on May 13, 2014, 07:23:48 PM
Paul you sure you didn't see this at Jazz Fest? :)
? ???
Ka Honu (Paul) just returned from Jazz Fest in New Orleans LA where alligators are plentiful.
I just seen this on Facebook
I like deep fried alligator but never have tried it BBQ'd. Living in the north country, (Wisconsin) finding 'gator is a problem. Where does one find them marketed for sale?