Hey guys. If I am going to use a brand new dual probe PID in an OBS with a fresh dual 500 watt element mod do I have to rune auto tune OR can I just change the value for "P" from 70 to 140 ? I thought I read that somewhere a while back as being all you may need to do. Thanks.
That's all I did was change the P value and temps stay +/- 2 degrees all day long
Autotune is never necessary. That is if you have years of experience in tuning controllers or can get the correct numbers from someone else. But autotune is a great way for a novice to get the controller close if not right on for controlling temperatures. I even use it if working with a controller I am not familiar with. because the algorithms each company uses may be different so the instrument may react different than you are used to. Once I run autotune, (normally twice) I then make manual adjustments till I'm happy. My smoker will hold +-1 F. Is it that necessary to control a smoker that tight. No but I'm a little picky about those things. Just like when I sight in my rifles, two out of five better be touching and the other three very close. Or I'll play with the loads till I get whet I want. :)
Dumb question then.....How do I exit the PID settings mode after changing the P value ? Hit "set" several times possibly ?