I just finished doing ribs in my Jim Beam 4 Rack Digital Smoker and noticed that one puck was still on the burner and another puck was still on the rail just before the burner. In other words of the 9 pucks for a three hour burn one was brunt and still on the burner while the second puck was not advanced to the burner. Three bubba pucks were behind the second puck.
Wonder what could be the problem
John, did you advance a puck onto the burner plate when you started your smoke?
For folks new to the Bradley, it takes three feed cycles to get a puck on the burner. One feed cycle runs automatically when you power up the smoke generator. The other two you must feed manually. If you missed manually feeding two pucks, your smoke generator would take 40 minutes after power up to get a puck onto the puck burner. And if your smoke generator was set to run for three hours, it would have shut down before the last two pucks made it on to the puck burner.
I should add that some folks make a practice of not advancing a puck all the way to the puck burner when they start their smoke. They use the first 20 minutes to allow the puck burner to preheat. So the puck burner is hot when the first puck hits it and the puck gets a full burn.
To get the total smoke time they want, they extend the time of the smoke cycle by 20 minutes. For a three hour smoke, they will set the smoke generator for 3 hours, 40 minutes. Then advance pucks so the first puck is at the end of the puck in-feed tray, just before the puck burner. The extra time at the end of the smoke cycle allows bubba pucks to push the last wood puck off the puck burner and into the puck bowl.