This might be a dumb question but I have noticed that when I place something into my OBS that the tower temp drops dramatically. Now I expect it to drop cause of the door being opened and because of placing a cooler mass into the tower but how fast should it climb back to the 210 to 230 range? If I leave it alone the tower will not hit that range again until the meat is almost done, sometimes several hours for a couple of butts. However I can adjust the temp higher to hit the correct range but I will need to slowly adjust the temp back down as the meat temp rises. So I guess what I am asking is witch method is recommended, set it when you preheat the smoker and leave it alone or continue to adjust the temp as needed during the cook time?
I've never had that problem. It should not take hours to get back to higher temps. For pork butts, I would just set the temp to 225 or so from the beginning. Not sure what the problem is though. You might want to contact Bradley. I know one or two folks here had a similar problem and needed replacement parts.
I don't own an OBS so maybe my suggestions are worthless but do you have a Maverick ET73 dual temp probe? If not I would suggest you invest in one. My understanding is the thermometer in the door of the OBS is not all that accurate. My DBS may have as much as a 25 degree difference in what the DBS says and the ET-73. Also, prior to putting the meat in the box, are you preheating up to at least 250? I learned that I need to preheat mine up to 250 and frankly, don't tarry when loading the box. You may want to try putting a couple of bricks in the bottom next to the water pan. They will help hold the heat.
Keep using the OBS and don't get discouraged. You'll get the hang of it.
The ET 73 is a good idea (must have). Anyway how i read your post, depending on the size and temp of the meat you put in ... its going to take a long time to come back. The meat will always be a heat sink so there will be some difference.
Start out will HOT water in the water bowl / some here place a brick in the tower during preheat / some preheat to a temperature higher than intended set point for the actual cook so the tower is extra warm, all to help with recovery time.
I generally don't worry about it much and just use the ET 73 to monitor the tower and internal meat temps. Low and slow is what you want.
I do not have an ET-73 but I do use a digital thermometer for my tower temps. Placing bricks in the tower ain't a bad idea either, you guys pretty smart :D I'll try that on my next go round.
Brian, I'm not sure there is a problem with my OBS per say, everything seems to be working I was just wondering more about my technique. Thanks to all.
Move the temperature control all the way to the right for maximum heat. You shouldn't be adjusting it slowly at this point. So turn it up to maximum, and as you stated it will still take some time for the heat to get up to your set temperature. Check the temperature occasionally, and as it reaches the temperature you want to smoke/cook at; then slowly begin to decrease it until the temperature remains constant. Also many of us have placed a brick in the cabinet. The brick stores heat, and due to it is mass and not hot air, very little of that heat from the brick escapes when the door is open. So that stored heat, will help with the recovery of the cabinet temperature.
Some have reported that moving the temperature adjuster all the way to the right will cause it to cut off, and you need to back off a hair to the left. I've never had that experience with food in the cabinet.
After reading Habs post, the light went on. He gave you some sound advice and that should solve your problem. It didn't register that you were starting out with the heat slider on anything but max temp. I always allow the meat to sit out of the fridge for an hour or so too before I start. Try that next time as well.
I have the OBS. When I initially put the butt(s) in, I crank up the heat until I reach my 200 - 210 cabinet temp. I then adjust down. Most of the time my slider winds up at about 3/4 or less range.
When doing a big mass of meat, i.e. 2 butts, i usually preheat the BS to around 260f, hot water in the bowl, make sure the meat is up to room temp, as 2 cold butts will cause the cabinet temp to drop drasticly :o
Get the meat in as quickly as possible, once the temp has settled down, you can adjust accordingly ;)
Weather conditions will also play a big part in temp recovery
LilSmoker (
I usually start the smoker with the temp slider about half way then adjust the temp up slowly to it hits 210 and holds there for about 30 minutes or so before I put dinner into the smoker. I always let the meat set out of the fridge for about an hour or little longer so that ain't it. I will try overheating the tower next time during the preheat along with the brick trick. I'm sure it's something I'm doing or not doing either way everything always comes out mighty tasty so far but I have learned that i tend to underestimate my cook times to witch I feel is do to the tower temp staying lower longer. I'll let you know how the next go round turns out with my new info from you all. Thank You
Well were gonna give it another shot this weekend. I have 15lbs of butt brining right now I can't Wait to try out my new found info. The results and hopefully some pics will be coming soon.
Good luck, you'll get the hang of it. Besides, if it takes longer than you thought keep checking on things so mama can't find you things to do. :D What was that sound? Sounded a lot like the next beer opening to me. ;D
A bad day smoking is better than a good day at work!
Thanks KyNola and I like the way you think 8) ;D
It's now 4 AM and once again I am pulling an all nighter. Ya gotta love it, I know I do. I should ad that so far every thing is working great I placed some bricks in the bottom and that seemed to have really helped with recovery time.
Smoke on brother!
well as i stated earlier, adding some mass into the bottom of the obs seems to help significantly with recovery times I couldn't get bricks to fit the way I wanted them to so I used some field stones instead.
we had the family down for dinner Sunday night. I put 3-7lb butts in Saturday night about 9:00 pm and FTC'ed them about 3:00pm Sunday afternoon. 18 hours still seems a little long for them to reach 190 degrees but it was a bit windy out and 21 lbs of pork butt is a lot of pig.
I almost forgot to get a pic of them to share. I remembered while I was pulling the last one.
Mighty tasty and and there wasn't much left 8 of us got there belly's full and two dogs got a sample. I'm not sure who is more excited about pulled pork around here, my brother as soon as he hears there's a butt in the brine he cancels all appointments and never misses the meal, me because well if you have ever done one you know, or the dogs cause they just about need oxygen after running around the kitchen waiting on a bite to hit the floor ;D
Good job Dustin but.................. I didn't see an IPA beer sitting next to the pork roast. :D ;D ;)
sorry to disappoint you Iceman but by the time they were done and after watching thin blue smoke and smelling mouth watering aroma pour form the obs the whole night before, I had enough Killian's in me when the pic was snapped to take on even the dogs for any bite that may have fell ;D
:D :D :D Been there, done that, more than a few times. ;D
Darn - now my stomach is eating away at my backbone.
Good looking butt smoke Dustin. Congrats on your success. It sure is nice when your plan comes together.
Great looking pork!
Wow! looks greay Dustin! (, i've just finished eating, and now i'm hungry all over again.
Haven't done pulled pork for a while, hopefully i'll get a chance this weekend (
LilSmoker (