what the he11 is it...
Awww come on "O"! You don't know what that is?
::) ::) ;D
i certainly do...
i first saw it in a kindergarten text book on a extraterrestrial ship when i was a little boy...
no bananna for walls...
A complex square root equation.
So that must be what the "C" stands for.... Complex!
;) :D
C'mon guys.....even your basic first grader knows that lowercase c = the individual, uppercase C = cheese and P = Pork.
If you follow it out to its logical conclusion, it shows you your volume (in pounds or kilograms depending on what side of the water you live on) depending on how much cheese and pork you partake in 8)
Barring that, I suppose if I knew what it was, I would be hiring someone to do my smoking instead of doing it myself :D
The rho means density, and I think the rest of the formula has something to do with heat transfer, density, and temperature - but that exceeds the level of my mathematical competence. Does it have to do with the break down of connective tissues? Please share, as curiosity will have me researching math text files all night, otherwise. Thanks!
Linda (Rick's other half)
Since E= mc^2 (that is an exponent, to the second power),
E/m = c^2. (Now take square root of both sides)
c = (E/m)^.5 (c equals the square root of Energy divided by mass)
I am not sure what units are represented by 'C' and 'p', but when divided, you must end up with meters^2/time^2
Albert E.
Quote from: Arcs_n_Sparks on December 15, 2007, 05:20:28 PM
I am not sure what units are represented by 'C' and 'p', but when divided, you must end up with meters^2/time^2
I think 'C' usually represents degrees Celsius. The character in the denominator is not a 'p' - it is the greek letter 'rho', and it generally stands for density (I think). The formula doesn't look like it is related to Einstein's equation to me.
I'm still trying to decipher that formula. The closest I have managed is some formulas involving heat transfer.
Rick brought this to my attention because I enjoy math puzzles and riddles, and now I'm still trying to figure out what the variables in that equation mean. Whoever knows, please speak up - soon!
Linda - the wildcat tamer.
You mean you can tame a Wildcat?
Rick, You may have to lay low on the boards a while before this one is let go. ;) ;D
I let her think so. ::) Keeps the peace. :D
I believe the formula deals with specific heat and heat capacity where C=heat capacity, c=specific heat, and rho is density. Units can ary depending on the system you are using.
sparkler gets a banana...
heres the next one...
what the he11 is it...
I know what it is!!!
It was me after my wedding. When I said "I do", she said, "You don't anymore". :(
la quinta... that kinda answer will not got you a bananna...
the judges are discussing the matter at this time...
As long as my wife isn't on the panel.............
It's Gizmo sitting on his couch in his underwear watching Top Gun!!! :)
Now you gotta quit peeking through the window. :D
It just was too tempting Giz!!! :)
I am, yet again, drinking at a distance.... :o
Quote from: Arcs_n_Sparks on December 16, 2007, 06:35:55 PM
I am, yet again, drinking at a distance.... :o
Just as I do also Arcs! At a distance :D
So, O, who got the bannana?
im sorry la quinta... i have not stayed on top of things...
no banana...
that feller is the turd burglar...
any questions...
what the he11 is it...
It is the full body turbo bidet....
very rare...
Marc-Antoine Jacoud
Standard toilet over seas.
Brittney Spears baby's bassinette :o :o
I figure it's a "Ladies" urinal! :o
I could answer but it wouldn't be allowed!!!
C'mon LQ, let's have it! Abbreviate, we'll figure it out... ;D
la quinta gets a bananna...
what the he11 is it...
Tick, tick, tick. Ding.
taintquito... sucks blood like a misquito... lives in the netherigions... kinda like a crab but it taint...
serve it up... slice with peanut butter... thanks...