I have an eye roast all sliced and ready for my jerky marinade. I always used a dehydrator to make it and it always came out great. I would like to utilize my OBS. I have the jerky racks. what type of wood? and what temp for how long. I hate screwing up jerky. The meat is sliced about 1/8" thick.
I use hickory for jerky. I used to make it completely in the Bradley but now I just do the smoke portion in it, then move it to my Cabelas commercial dehydrator. I usually use 1 hour & 20 minutes of smoke. I usually run about 165 to 170 for a temp. Make sure you rotate the racks as the lowest one will dry quicker. Time is a tough one, I always found that after about 3 hours I started to pull the odd piece out but some would take up to 5 or even 7 hours. Once you have done it you will get the hang of it pretty quick.
What is the best cut of meat too use?
I always used eye of round but lots of people use any round roast. Years ago I used to use flank steak but it has become too expensive around here. The most important thing is trim any fat fromit first.
I use whatever is on sale. top round, bottom round, "london broil", etc..
I defat and section it, put it in the freezer for about 3 hours, slice, season and put in a zip-top bag, refridgerate for at least 24 hours.
I use an hour of smoke, then move to my convection oven to dry. Usually 1.5 hours or so.
Eye round roast works very well. At work we use what is called denouded cow round. I'm not really sure what "denouded" means, but it is round from a cow instead of a steer. Check with your local butcher shop for something similiar. You may be able to get it for a better price than a supermarket
the few times that ive made jerkey I had it cut thin with a meat shaver. how thick do yall cut it? ???
I use london broil cut 1/4" thick, marinated in my Reveo then into smoke for 40 mins (2 pucks) then into my big C dehydrator.
Quote from: NePaSmoKer on May 19, 2008, 12:06:49 PM
I use london broil cut 1/4" thick, marinated in my Reveo then into smoke for 40 mins (2 pucks) then into my big C dehydrator.
next time I may try to cut it like that.
I agree with NePas...
I aim for 1/4" thick as well.
Do yall use your own marinade or a package mix?
I use meat from the round family, seasonings from Hi Mountain, and smoker only....160 or so for about 3 hours gets my (up to) 2 racks done to my taste.
I hit submit too early...I also usually use Hickory for the smoke, about an hours worth.
I use a commercial seasoning that is available here, but similar to Hi Mountain products, as a base and add a few more things to it. I'm a heat kinda guy so I like to add additional black pepper, white pepper and jalapeño powder.
I use Inside or outside round, all the fat cut off and sliced to 1/4 " slices.
You can use almost any seasoning you desire. But make sure you add 3gm of instacure per 1000gm of meat.
(sorry for metric....I'm Canadian eh)
I use the bradley just for the smoke... about 3 pucks.
then put the jerky in a dehydrator or a convection oven (lowest temp setting)
The folks have pretty much covered my jerky game as well. Smoke 1 hr 40min to 2 hrs, Hickory is my usual but have done Oak and Special blend. I use the Hi Mountain Original Seasoning as my favorite. This is actually a kit as it has cure and seasoning in the package. Have done Bourbon, Inferno and Teriyaki but like the Orignal the best. Inferno is second although the pepper heads prefer it. I have also used the wet do it yourself marinades as well. I use to slice paper thin for my dad but since he passed away I have been increasing the thickness and am some where around 1/4 inch myself. I after the smoke time, I use the cheap round dehydrator that has a fan. It gives me a more uniform drying experience than the smoker. I use to over dry the jerky as well but now stop a lot sooner than I use to (at least if I get up in time). I just finished a batch of 13 lbs this weekend and is very tender. I use to use top round from a specific market here but their price is now $4.29 or more a pound. I have since been getting eye of round from Costco. They sell choice meat and the eye is very lean (after trimming off the surface fat. After I finished with the dehydrating, I spray with potassium sorbate to prevent any possible molding not that it would ever last that long, but just in case a small quantity get temporarily lost ..... :P
Quote from: tturaider on May 19, 2008, 12:20:36 PM
Do yall use your own marinade or a package mix?
I use my own wet marinade with a couple secret ingredients that i cant share (DEEMED CLASSIFIED) from an old Amish dude.
If you cough up your Area 51 pass, NePa may reconsider on a need-to-know basis. :D
Quote from: Arcs_n_Sparks on May 19, 2008, 07:07:46 PM
If you cough up your Area 51 pass, NePa may reconsider on a need-to-know basis. :D
remember what went down last time i posted that :D :D
the secret items in my marinade are almost like........ ummmm ap-10 sensative info ;D
When I was in FL...I talked to this guy who was/is a "backwoods" kinda guy...but man can he cook...we had a load of fun talkin about food but he recommended teryaki wet brine with london broil...? thoughts?
As with any recipe, a lot of variations are edable, as for favorite, taste is a personal thing. Teriyaki flavor is OK for me but if I measure the quality of flavor (for my taste) to the quantity I can eat in one sitting, Teriyaki would not win.
As far as the cut of meat, london broil, it works well and for many years was a standard as long many years ago, it was a very inexpensive cut of meat. Now that other popular dishes use that cut of meat, it tends to not be as good of a choice based on price. The only other thing about london broil is the amount of trimming you have to do. I have done so much jerky over the years that I got real lazy and will pay more per pound for meat in lieu of spending 1 hour or more triming the fat out of 15 lbs of meat. Eye of Round consistently gives me the least amount, usually just one layer on top, except for Top Round from one store around here which requires no trimming at all. I did Eye last weekend and paid $2.99 lb. The top round is about $4.49 a pound and I have never seen that store have a sale.
Thanks Giz...gotta ask a stupid question...what we called London broil in Florida...is that flank steak here?
I would say yes. Flank is cut from the belly muscles of the cow. London Broil is actually a cooking process but for many including supermarkets wanting to upsell (read higher priced), they will use the term.
Quote from: Gizmo on May 19, 2008, 09:23:50 PM
As far as the cut of meat, london broil, it works well and for many years was a standard as long many years ago, it was a very inexpensive cut of meat. Now that other popular dishes use that cut of meat, it tends to not be as good of a choice based on price.
Gizmo Is right about the flank steak / london broil. I own a Butcher Shop in BC, and there is only 2 or so Lbs on a thousand pound Beef.
Top round has the best yield of all the cuts.
With the price of grain going up beef will too.
Pretty soon we'll be making jerky out of Soylent Green. ;)
Here in South Florida, Flank steak and "london broil" are a different cut. The LB is a much thicker cut and the grain runs top to bottom, like a NY strip, only bigger and tougher. I'll ask next time what the cut is called.
For Jerky though, flank steak here is up to 6.99 a pound - LB can be 2.99 on sale. with a family of six, 2.99 is important when you are doing 10 to 13 lbs every other week.
Thanks for such a great response... I usually get eye roast for 2.99/lb, I have never considered using a LB, but since they are ususally buy one get one free and usually run about 6.00 a roast. I think I will try one next time.
Here is my game plan, please point out any problems i am missing...
Marinade the meat like I usually do but I will add some pink salt because of the smoker
Smoke for 1 hour at 160 degrees
Put on dehydrator and dry like I normally do...
mouth is watering already..
I will post some pics...
I have used all sorts of cuts. Briskit, lb, flank, eye round, top/bottom round and loin (kinda expensive)
Do alot of wild game too. Ground hog jerky is pretty good :o
Ok so NePa for a "virgin" jerky person...what do you recommend? Which cut...I gotta practice before the "kids" get here...
Quote from: La Quinta on May 20, 2008, 06:13:56 PM
Ok so NePa for a "virgin" jerky person...what do you recommend? Which cut...I gotta practice before the "kids" get here...
I would do a LB, not too much fat to cut out like flank has. Do try to cut as much fat as you can out of it. Slice it 1/4" if possible. Then cut any fat from the slices. After cutting marinate the slices. If you need any marinade help just shout ;D
Remember 3/5 pucks, Temp around 170/180, no water in the pan and vent all the way open. Watch for over doing it. If it snaps its too done. If its bendable its just about done. Rotate the racks 180* replace from bottom to top or top to bottom.
And if you live in PA you say "yous" LOL
yous guys!
Quote from: westexasmoker on May 20, 2008, 06:28:45 PM
yous guys!
:D :D :D ya'll are crakin me up. or if i was on the bayou it would be your craklin me up ;D
Thanks guys...I'll go with the lb from the local meat market...and pray!! And yeah NePa...any marinades ideas would be great...JimGuy gave me a good one already...but I'm looking for options since I'm a jerky "dumb chit"!!
Quote from: La Quinta on May 20, 2008, 06:41:35 PM
Thanks guys...I'll go with the lb from the local meat market...and pray!! And yeah NePa...any marinades ideas would be great...JimGuy gave me a good one already...but I'm looking for options since I'm a jerky "dumb chit"!!
Ok well use jimguys and add a cup of JD to it ;D and some ground cardamom (opt)
Then yous will say this is some good chit ;D
I had to Google Cardamom since I have never heard of it...
Cardamom is a spice native to the Middle East, North Africa, and Scandinavia. There are three types of cardamom; green cardamom, black cardamom and Madagascar cardamom. It is best to buy cardamom still in the pods, which are removed and discarded. You can also buy cardamom seeds however; they lose much of their flavor. Ground cardamom has even less flavor than the fresher ones. Most recipes usually call for green cardamom. Cardamom has a strong, unique spicy-sweet taste, which is slightly aromatic. Cardamom is more expensive than average spices. A little goes a long way. If a recipe calls for 10 pods that would equal 1 ½ tsp ground. Ground cardamom is readily available and found in grocery stores.
Ethnicity: Scandanavian, East Indian Ingredient
Season: available year-round
How to select: Purchase in the pod or ground.
How to prepare: Grinding the pod yourself will result in a fresher, stronger representation of the spice.
Hey flipper...be careful with cardmom...it can overpower stuff quick (as, too me, can any middle eastern spice). I got some good stuff from Slinky Man too...so Monday or Tuesday...I'm gonna try it...
Hey NePa...that Amish guy...root beer in that marinade??? :)
I don;t plan on using it, just curious about it. Never heard of it before.
Root beer in jerky... hmmm
Quote from: La Quinta on May 22, 2008, 12:28:02 PM
Hey flipper...be careful with cardmom...it can overpower stuff quick (as, too me, can any middle eastern spice). I got some good stuff from Slinky Man too...so Monday or Tuesday...I'm gonna try it...
Hey NePa...that Amish guy...root beer in that marinade??? :)
yeah LQ root beer.............try it
Giz is giving me the entire tutorial on jerky...I'm very happy!! And we created a new beverage last night!!! I'll let Giz post it...:)
Posted on the Drinks while smoking thread but this may not be a good choice to properly complete the smoke. LOL
Hey Giz...what was that H2O spray you put on the jerky after it was done and then re-dehydrated...ish with no heat?
Potassium Sorbate. It wasn't for re-hydrating, it was for mold prevention. :)
A light mist is all that is needed.
Quote from: La Quinta on May 26, 2008, 05:44:07 PM
Hey Giz...what was that H2O spray you put on the jerky after it was done and then re-dehydrated...ish with no heat?
Micro bugz................. ;D
Does the addition of the Potassium Sorbate eliminate the need for refrigeration ? Like the commercial (ugh) Jerky ?
Thanks NePa and Giz...gotta get me some of that stuff for the "kids"!!
I would venture to say that the potassium sorbate in and of itself would not eliminate anything. It helps retart the growth of mold and help to preserve freshness. There would be many factors of which how much dehydration actually took place, that would have more berring on eliminating the need for refrigeration. I have had jerky in a cabinet (or forgotten in my laptop case) for many months without the production of mold and without potassium sorbate. I didn't eat it, but it wasn't growing. That jerky would have been very thinly sliced and very dried out.
I believe NePa may be more knowledgeable with the Potassium Sorbate than I am. There may be others as well.
I have only recently started using the product (last year) as I changed from thin sliced and over dehydrated, to thicker sliced and a little more moisture in the product which seems to me to be more tender.
No worries Giz...keeping the jerky in the fridge anyway...but the "Kids" are from England...and the belly of the plane is cold...but want them to be able to keep it at ambient temp there when they go home...
No doubt they will have it long consummed before the bugs get it.
Quote from: La Quinta on May 28, 2008, 09:35:32 PM
No worries Giz...keeping the jerky in the fridge anyway...but the "Kids" are from England...and the belly of the plane is cold...but want them to be able to keep it at ambient temp there when they go home...
Potassium Sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid, an organic acid that has been used extensively as a fungistatic agent for foods. Potassium Sorbate is used to inhibit molds, yeasts, and fungi in many foods, such as jerky, cheese, wine, and baked goods.
NePa...thanks...can I buy it out here or is that an internet purchase?
Giz...since my son-in-law is a jerky freak...I'm sure I'm gonna have to make a boatload...but wanted to do it with him here...and show him...
Quote from: La Quinta on May 29, 2008, 02:29:08 PM
NePa...thanks...can I buy it out here or is that an internet purchase?
Thanks NePa...gotta order quick...they are here on Thursday...eeekkk...
Hey like they say back in the home land.
Si...Si...may PM you and Giz and JimGuy...well...and Huh...uh and others if I figure out I don't know what the hades I'm doing!! Hope that's ok with you guys...
You got the number. Any time.
Quote from: La Quinta on May 29, 2008, 03:38:05 PM
Thanks NePa...gotta order quick...they are here on Thursday...eeekkk...
Oye LQ
En cualquier momento usted necesita cualquier ayuda con cosas pregunta justo. Soy más que feliz de ayudar.
English version ;D
Hey LQ
Anytime you need any help with things just ask. I am more than happy to help.
Thanks guys!!! Really...:)