I got pulled over yesterday by an Officer.
To understand why I did not get a ticket (I was going like a bat out of hell changing lanes back and forth quickly) I have to back up to two nights ago. I was on the same Interstate going North when what looked like an unmarked cop car put his hood almost in the back of my Midget going around 70 mph.
Long story...short story I lost him in the cut off to the next exit (it is a 90 degree turn at a 40 -45 angle. Then I went South on an off street and then back into the "jungle" area.
Well last night I see this "same" car getting on the Interstate South of me, so I drop the hammer and in and out of lanes I went in effort to keep at least one car between us. As I get to the cut off he is now clearly behind me about 80 feet. Just before the turn he turned his lights on... Oh Chit this guy is a Cop~~!
One of the first things out of his mouth is I've been trying to catch you to tell you to slow down but you kept changing lanes and cars kept getting in my way!! A couple of time he said he hit 100 trying to catch me. I explain what happened two nights earlier and he said I heard something about that car. He said you know you were doing 85 going into that curve... I boyishly smiled and said two nights back I went through it at something over 90 in effort to lose that dickhead that was on my butt.
After that he did a walk around my car and of course I had to show him my engine. As he was leaving he said now slow it down and I said I would keep it under 35! He looked back at me with almost a smile on his face and said (No Chit He Said This) Ya right until l'm gone. Then he took off like a Bat out of hell.
I took it slow the rest of the way home. This has been a true story...Nice Officer! He could have really burt me on a ticket. At one point I was almost 40 mph over the speed limit (65mph.)
EDIT: One of the things that has helped me at higher speeds is I've been tutored lately by a retire Formula One race car driver. It has really helped.
One of these days Mister that car of yours is gonna get you into some serious trouble!!!!! Damn now I sound like your Mother. LOL Stay Young OLDMAN!!!
Only you Olds. I agree with 10.5, one of these days. :D :D :D
Olds, you been lucky so far... as much as we all like the speed ... slow it down ... its not worth the tickets or other problems that may arise from the speed...
Life is short......drive fast! You go, Olds.......in a blaze of glory! However, there is a difference between driving fast and driving unsafe....all good drivers know the difference. :o :) ;)
Go like the wind Old's!!! :D ;D ::)
Haha! good on ya Olds!, you've certainly breathed new life into that Midget! ;D ;)