Well this thanksgiving just went into the pooper.....My 2 month old granddaughter, Jaden, was just admited into the hospital with a respitory infection and fluid build up on the lungs :( Family was gonna be over tommorrow for the big day, but looks like most will be camping out at the hospital, I of course will be working and back and forth! Will still try and get some food cooked up, so they can run in and grab a bite through the day. But just not in the mood.
Really sorry to hear that. My Thanksgiving isn't going to be the same either, but I hope all turns out well with the little one. It always sucks when the young 'uns are sick. My best to you and your family. They will be looking to you to keep everything upbeat, so I'll have good thoughts to help you at this time.
our prayers are with your grand daughter and your whole family.
Quote from: NePaSmoKer on November 26, 2008, 09:52:11 AM
our prayers are with your grand daughter and your whole family.
Ditto Wts... It's always tough having kids in the hospital.
I hope everthing goes well and she is back terrorizing Grandpa in short order!
Sending good thoughts your way.
I am sorry to hear about youe grand daughter, My prayers are with her and your family as well as a safe and speedy recovery.. If I lived closer id invite you and your family over for dinner and or snacks as your time allowed...
I hope that you and your family can spend some time toghter on this holiday and let them know that others are praying for your granddaughter and your family... best wishes
Hope all goes well.
It is always harder to have loved ones in the hospital around the holidays. We will keep your granddaughter in our prayers.
Sending good thoughts from all of the friends Jaden does not know she has.
Best wishes for your daughter, family and yourself. Hope she has a speeding recovery.
My good thoughts are with your granddaughter. Rally your family together, that's what GrandPas do. You can always get your family together for a "We're so thankful that Jaden's OK" dinner later.
All the best to you, your family and especially Jaden.
Thoughts and prayers to you and yours WTS. What part of Texas you in? My daughter is a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and is on duty this weekend in the DFW area looking after the small ones that can't look after themselves.You would be amazed what they can do with the little fellows now days. I'm sure your angel will be fine but here is a prayer anyway.
god bless to you and all of yours.
will send up an extra word.
Ditto WTS, praying for a speedy recovery. Sorry about the disappointing holiday. More ahead !
Thanks for all of the support guys! I kinda felt bad posting this with the holidays and all, but I can tell ya ya'll have made me feel SO much better...we've deceided that once Jaden's better its time to have a family BBQ on a weekend in lieu of Thanksgiving! I've also been told my job (when not working or at the hospital) is to keep smoking so we/they have something to eat for this duration of 3-5 days, which is fine by me helps take my mind off things! Once again I appreciate each and every one of ya! Have a Great Thanksgiving and I'll keep ya posted!
Quote from: westexasmoker on November 26, 2008, 05:00:15 PM
Thanks for all of the support guys! I kinda felt bad posting this with the holidays and all, but I can tell ya ya'll have made me feel SO much better...we've deceided that once Jaden's better its time to have a family BBQ on a weekend in lieu of Thanksgiving! I've also been told my job (when not working or at the hospital) is to keep smoking so we/they have something to eat for this duration of 3-5 days, which is fine by me helps take my mind off things! Once again I appreciate each and every one of ya! Have a Great Thanksgiving and I'll keep ya posted!
No appology necessary WTS. You are a part of this family as well and we are here for you. Our prayers and best wishes go out to your family.
Casper and I are thinking of you, best wishes and prayers for you and yours, hope all turns out well. We will light a puck of Mesquite for you
I am new to the board but I live somewhere around your neck of the woods. I will have the family send up some close proximity thoughts and prayers.
WTS...Bob and I wish you and your family all the best in the world at a difficult time for you guys...as Giz pointed out...you are a part of a very big family here and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tracy and Bob
Quote from: La Quinta on November 26, 2008, 06:39:14 PM
WTS...Bob and I wish you and your family all the best in the world at a difficult time for you guys...as Giz pointed out...you are a part of a very big family here and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tracy and Bob
Thanks LQ..........no mesquite.......... :(
WTS sending thoughts and prayers to you and yours. What they are telling you is keep smoking so GRANDPA smells like GRANDPA and is calming and relaxing to everyone around JADEN during this stressful time. God Bless
Chris and Vicky
My prayers go out to you and your family. May your grandchilds healing be speedy.
Good news this morning....We are much improved, not great and not out of the woods yet but improved has made this Peepaw very happy! Once again thanks to all of ya'll! I gots to get cooking!
Me and my Father and Uncle have our prayers in for you. God willing, all will be ok. There is improvement as you said, therefore thats alot of hope right there.
God bless and happy Thanksgiving to all
Glad you all are doing better and hope that the rest of the recovery continues for the better and am still praying for you and your family... Happy thanksgiving to you and yours ... well as happy as it can be
That's great to hear.
Hope all is well on your end, WTS, and hope your TG is shaping up to be one with lots of extra blessings.
Thanks everyone....its kinda weird being here alone, I'm still cooking! Hams about done and turkey just got pulled and I think I've got everything else done. It's just strange for thanksgiving and the house is not full of moaning and groaning and napping people at this point! But things are still looking up, and Peepaw is still cooking! I hope everyone has had a joyous, loving Thanksgiving!
PS......Use mesquite! ;D
I'll be around to keep you company.
Me Dad and my Uncle made a Thanksgiving plate in your honor.
Slice of that ham, dads farm fresh turkey, mashed taters with brown gravy, Dad's special stuffing and side of cranberry jelly. Only thing not homemade is the cranberry jelly, but its Ocean Spray and pretty good. Hope this brings a smile to ya my friend.
Enjoy and God Bless.
Quote from: westexasmoker on November 27, 2008, 08:42:14 AM
Good news this morning....We are much improved, not great and not out of the woods yet but improved has made this Peepaw very happy! Once again thanks to all of ya'll! I gots to get cooking!
We are proud for ya... keep us posted on events.
WTS, i hope you and your family are staying strong for each other, and my prayers and thoughts are with you and the family at this tough time. I have grand kids, and went through a similar situation a good few years back, but we stayed strong and positive and eventually came through it, and i'm sure you'll do the same (http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s62/Gitster59/Wink.gif)
You can have an extra special Thanksgiving when the little one is strong enough.
Kind regards LilSmoker (http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s62/Gitster59/Tip-Hat.gif)
Glad to hear your granddaughter's health is improving.
Your granddaughter Jaden is in our thoughts and prayers. May she heal soon...
Hopefully she is in the same town, and y'all could still gather together as a family for some hospital turkey ;)
I have good news...we were dismissed today...YEAH...she's still a bit ill, but not near what she was. And the best thing is shes home, I think my daughter (in-law...never liked that term) was gonna have a coronery through all of this. But were doing better and god willing, we'll continue to do just that! I want to Thank each and everyone of ya'll on this incredible forum for your support, I really believe this helped with a speedier recovery. Ya'll know me as WTS, or Peepaw with the grandkids......I'm Chris and you guys are the best! God bless and once again Thank You!
That, my friend is the best news I have had lately. Hope you and the family can enjoy your belated Thanksgiving.
Quote from: Smokin Soon on November 28, 2008, 05:44:37 PM
That, my friend is the best news I have had lately. Hope you and the family can enjoy your belated Thanksgiving.
Thanks SS and SD from the other thread......I truly think you guys helped, (well I know ya'll helped me) My extended family here is awesome!
Ok, WTS, ya better go grab yer Beam, cause I just had a toast to you and yours!!!
That is G R E A T to hear WTS!!
Thats wonderful news Chris. We been praying hard for ya at my place. Very happy things are looking good now for you and the family.
I'm gonna match SS with a beam for a toast too.
God bless :)
Chris...all I can say is good things happen to good people...Thank the Lord all is good for your family...you are good people!!!
Here's one for you too Stargazer! If nothin shakes for me soon here in California friends in Glascow are a callin!
Quote from: Smokin Soon on November 28, 2008, 08:17:26 PM
Here's one for you too Stargazer! If nothin shakes for me soon here in California friends in Glascow are a callin!
Well brother, if your 'or any other family member here' is in my neck of the woods, keep in mind you always have a home here with a welcoming door opened.
Chris, that's fantastic news! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Others/others-154.gif)
We're so happy for you all, especially the little one (http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s62/Gitster59/Wink.gif) (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Others/good-news-175.gif)
(http://www.smileygenerator.us/community/html/emoticons/spoton.gif) LilSmoker...aka....Steve....(http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s62/Gitster59/Tip-Hat.gif)
I glad to hear your granddaughter is recovering.
Such awesome news that Jaden is home! Still sending good thoughts your way, especially to your daughter (in-law) - as a mom I know that it's hard not to worry on an average day - when they are sick it's even harder.
Great news!!
We are all there for you.
Man, I'm sorry I pretty much neglected the board for the past couple of weeks....finally got around to reading this thread.
Glad Jaden made it through her problems...wish she hadn't had to, but I guess that's how it goes.