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Search results for: jerky recipes

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General Discussions / New Swag
October 29, 2010, 08:09:55 PM by GusRobin
......  tomorrow.   Also going to try my first attempt at jerky. Here are 2 bags of meat marinading. Going to try  ............  different recipes.   I'll post more details tomorrow. ......
General Discussions / Dehydrating
January 08, 2011, 04:29:48 PM by Big_T
...... . Does anyone know of any good sites with recipes and how-to's on dehydrating? I am not sure what  ............  any other suggested goodies. I liked my smoked jerky last time I smoked so I don't think I will try  ......
Jerky Making / Joined the Jerky Club today
February 03, 2011, 10:57:38 PM by smoker pete
......  the Jerky club today and done did me 9 lbs of Teriyaki Top  ............  beef jerky ;D Visited my local butcher, Fagundes Meats, and  ............  size. Used 4 racks with Frog Mats and 4 Bradley Jerky Racks to double my OBS capacity.    With all the  ............  recipes that the forum members have shared it was hard  ............  who's method I would pick for my first batch of Jerky. When all was said and done I selected  ............  span of less than 2 weeks. Here is what the Jerky looked like after the Hickory smoke was applied  ............  into the OBS to cook a while longer. Pulled the Jerky when they bent before they were overdone and  ......
Jerky Making / Soy Jerky
February 20, 2011, 06:28:08 AM by Keymaster
......  I found on here somewhere http://gnipsel.com/recipes/jerky/soy-jerky.html and changed it a bit to my  ......
Introduce Yourself / Introducing
May 28, 2011, 03:05:19 PM by astrid1st
......  getting started and bought some meat to make Beef Jerky and a Brisket this weekend. I ordered two recipe  ............ , checked recipes on line and now am very confused about the  ............  times. They vary for the Jerky in an electric smoker from 4 hours to 10 hours  ......
......  the way. I bought it to smoke briskets, ribs and jerky. My younger brother has been using one in  ............  smokey even when I have run less smoke than the recipes recommend. It almost seems like the smoke is  ......
Jerky Making / Re: Sticky Beef Jerky
March 19, 2012, 05:28:44 AM by Keymaster
......  this one.  http://www.free-venison-recipes.com/franks-a1-deer-jerky......
Sausage Making / Re: Sausage Curing
March 29, 2012, 05:24:09 AM by Sailor
......  up on making smoked sausages and I see that all recipes call for hanging the sausages (pre-smoking) until  ............  prepares the casing to receive smoke.   Some recipes call for refrigerating over night and up to  ............  snack stix and Kielbasa. When I do ground beef jerky I will mix up and then let it rest in the fridge  ............ . I want a firmer mix when I shoot the jerky onto the trays.  Bottom line is .....nothing  ......
Jerky Making / Re: Jerky Board
December 19, 2011, 12:59:35 PM by viper125
...... , but I use a liquid marinade for my ground deer jerky and am really pleased with it. It's Smoking Gun  ............  marinade. www.smokinggunjerky.com They list lots of recipes, some mild, some  ............ .  I must confess though that I haven't smoked any jerky yet, just dehydrated. Which is why I was reading  ............  should be done from the experts.  Ragweed  Well recipes for Jerky are a dime a dozen. And there is plenty  ............ . Really don't make sense to use marinade in GB Jerky. You add so much moisture just to spend time  ............  are stronger,because they are designed for muscle jerky to soak in. Then you throw it away. Using dry  ............ . I also feel a person can make a superior tasting jerky by making their own.  ......
......  He does on the other hand makes sausages, sticks, jerky and all kind of goodies and gives it all away.  ............  also makes pounds and pounds of jerky and sticks and ships it to his sons and their  ............  ago with 5 whole posts, all of them asking for recipes. Hanging out on the sausage making forums is  ............  see, we are much more than just a forum to share recipes. We are a family. By the way, you failed to  ......
......  on here...especially some of the Rib and Jerky recipes. 9... what nonsmoked food do you like  ......
......   Here's a link to a search on the forum for jerky recipes.  Jerky recipe search  Mike  thanks! ......
Jerky Making / Re: Beef Jerky by Brian
February 19, 2009, 05:58:29 PM by josbocc
......  outdoorsman recipe book will have some great jerky recipes. I'm sure that a google search will  ......
Curing / Re: confused about curing
September 13, 2011, 02:11:22 AM by Habanero Smoker
...... , the amount of cure #1 people are adding to their recipes is not harmful. Since it is not harmful, then I  ............  stays within their comfort zone.  Most of the recipes for whole muscle jerky include enough salt, that  ............  posted on this site. Just do a google search for jerky recipes. That should give you a ton of whole  ............  jerky recipes from other reputable sites, and you will  ......
Meat / Re: Newbie Ash Jerky - Help...
July 30, 2005, 05:11:26 AM by jaeger
......  bad about the jerky. Don't be discouraged. Jerky is one of my  ............  and taste done. I don't like to totally dry out jerky when I make it. I usually end up with about a 50%  ............  or check out Olds site for tested and successful recipes for your next smoke. Also, don't be shy about  ......
The Black Bradley Smoker (BTIS1) / Re: Beef Jerky
December 27, 2005, 02:19:23 AM by JJC
......  to the Forum. Thanks for your insights into jerky making. Do you do any other food smoking ( ............  you run a business and can't reveal proprietary recipes, but any recipes or clues that you can share  ......
Jerky Making / Re: Any UK jerky makers here?
August 31, 2009, 12:48:48 AM by manxman
......  help very much I am afraid as I have never made jerky and know little about making it ....... other  ............ .org/acatalog/Cures.html  This refers to making jerky. They have a UK based forum where you could post  ............  although I do use it occasionally to look up recipes like making black pudding and haggis.  There are  ............  UK, this one advertises itself as suitable for jerky for instance:  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stockli- ......
Jerky Making / Re: jerky for football
August 23, 2010, 06:22:45 AM by BigJohnT
......  it is  http://gnipsel.com/recipes/jerky/soy-jerky.html   ......
Jerky Making / Re: First time
February 12, 2012, 03:09:29 PM by Keymaster
......  was an outbreak of Salmonella that was traced to jerky production in one of the small plants. In  ............  a series of policy changes and guidelines. Jerky is usually made from beef and the cooking  ............  cause food borne illness to those consuming the jerky. What the FSIS has concluded is that it is not  ............  and ongoing debate between the FSIS and small jerky manufacturers who claim that maintaining such  ............  the humidity requirement changes the quality of jerky. Due to today's microbiological concerns,  ............ , and Listeria monocytogenes, commercially made jerky must now be exposed to thermal processing. A  ............  about the latest safety requirements for making jerky products.  The United States Department of  ............  (USDA) has divided jerky into specific categories:  1. Jerky - The product  ............  The product can also be labeled as "Natural Style Jerky" provided that the product name is accompanied by  ............  statement "made from solid pieces of meat." 2. Jerky Chunked and Formed - The product is produced from  ............  molded and formed. and then cut into strips. 3. Jerky Ground and Formed or Chopped and Formed. The meat  ............  cooked or accordingly treated. Commercially made jerky is monitored by inspectors of the U.S. Department  ............ 's Food Safety and Inspection Service. Home made jerky, often made from venison, is often made in a  ............  are dead. E.coli was found in dried but uncooked jerky that has been stored at room temperature for more  ............ #1) is not required in the manufacture of homemade jerky, it is recommended that it be used. Curing salt  ............  of rancidity of fat.  The new method of making jerky: 1. From a single piece of meat The USDA current  ............  for making jerky safely is to heat meat to 160° F (72° C) before  ............  are effective at killing E.coli 0157:H7 in jerky. These folks recommend that a dehydrator  ............   Remember, the leaner the meat, the better the jerky. Either fresh or frozen meat can be used. Meat  ............  1/4" strips, 6" long x 1" wide. Home produced jerky made of sliced meat pieces is usually marinated  ............  black pepper and other spices you like.  Basic jerky marinade: (For 5 lbs. of meat)  1 level tspn.  ............  lbs. of meat. Did you know that commercially made jerky is not marinated but mixed with salt, nitrite and  ............  FSIS., simply bring the marinade with strips of jerky to a boil. If you do not have enough marinade to  ............  strip cracks but does not break when it is bent. Jerky can be dried in the sun, oven, smokehouse, or a  ............  just won't adhere to wet meat. For this reason, jerky is always dried before being smoked. If you are  ............  of tiny holes that let the smoke in. Thin jerky cuts have no protective barrier and accept smoke  ............  sealer.  The New Method Of Making Restructured Jerky: 2. From ground meat  Grind the lean meat through  ............  flat strips using grinder attachments for making jerky or jerky gun. Place the ground meat strips on a  ............  the strips close together, but not touching. Jerky is done when a test strip cracks but does not  ............  longer storage, use a vacuum sealer. If you make jerky from wild game, be sure to pre-cook it to 165° F ( ............  from the internet, be aware that the majority of recipes you'll find there, do not even mention the fact  ............  jerky should be pre-cooked in order to be  ............  refuse to accept this fact and will never cook jerky. If you are one of the old-school, hardliners,  ............ , Worcestershire sauce, and teriyaki sauce. Jerky strips heated in marinade will dry faster. Slice  ............  with the grain for chewy jerky. Slice meat across the grain for a more tender,  ............  jerky. Be careful when applying liquid smoke as too  ............  bitter. Worcestershire sauce is often added to jerky marinade. It takes about 4 lbs. of fresh meat to  ............  1 lb. of dry jerky. Salt prevents the growth of bacteria and helps  ............  sodium nitrite (Cure #1), dry-curing meat for jerky, and adding acidic ingredients to your marinade  ............  of salt or use salt substitutes, should pre-cook jerky.  Real smoke just will not adhere to wet meat.  ............  this reason, jerky is always dried before being smoked. If the  ............  flavor. Commercially produced and vacuum-packed jerky can be stored for only one year. Homemade jerky  ............  in time.  Many folks will continue making jerky without precooking meat, the way they have always  ............  it. Whether you follow them or make jerky in accordance with the USDA regulations is up to  ......
Jerky Making / Re: Shredded Jerky Chew
February 28, 2012, 05:12:22 PM by Keymaster
......  then run it threw this contraption.  http://beefjerkyrecipes.com/wss1077/weston/shredder-slicer-5-piece- ......
......  In the threads listed below there are a few basic recipes.  http://forum.bradleysmoker.com/index.php?topic= ............ .php?topic=4893.0  I do both ground & whole muscle jerky and they are both are better if you marinade them  ......
Curing / Re: venison
September 26, 2008, 03:45:33 PM by bluerazor515
......  u guys r great, ill try the snack sticks after my jerky is done. then try soome of the recipes u just  ......
General Discussions / Re: Salmon Jerky
April 03, 2009, 03:02:12 PM by Tenpoint5
......  it won't come out like Jerky. Here is the Indian Candy from the Bradley  ......
......  to the forum ;D  We love recipes so if you want to divulge your jerky marinade we  ......
Jerky Making / Re: Jerky Cure Question
August 28, 2011, 02:32:42 AM by Habanero Smoker
......  a cure, unless I wanted to alter the flavor. GB jerky is different, because bacteria that was on the  ............  protection. Having said that I have seen a few GB jerky recipes that used higher temperatures at 180°F.  ............  you can find one of those recipes, and if using that recipe will bring the IT of  ............  jerky up fast to 160°F then it may be safe. But since I  ............  not a GB jerky fan I would have to defer to someone that makes  ............  jerky, and at this time state that the safe way is to  ......
Jerky Making / Re: Clear Marinade Jerky
December 31, 2011, 07:17:00 AM by Keymaster
......  just omit the salt ;) http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/285/Jerky_Stew49497. ......
......  Nepas and Nickld have both shared some very good jerky recipes......
Jerky Making / Re: Jerky virgin
October 17, 2009, 07:22:42 PM by BigJohnT
Here is my favorite jerky recipe here.

Poultry / Re: My Secret Wing Sauce
June 30, 2009, 06:58:16 PM by Keymaster
......  I have so many good friends here and will keep my recipes open to all ;D (with a little twist now and then  ............  be afraid to ask me/us anything on marinades, jerky or whatever.  Welcome to our family. Post allot  ......
Poultry / Re: A question for my fellow Meatatarians
April 07, 2009, 03:41:17 PM by Wattles
...... !  i was just wondering if there were any specific recipes for ground turkey as opposed to the red meat  ............   dont cook your gb, gt before you extrude it into jerky. with turkey make sure you cure it and take the  ............  on over when i get back home. we will make some jerky and drink some beers.  nepas  i gotta get me some  ......