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DBS 4 rack or 6 rack?

Started by Kofther, June 30, 2009, 01:11:38 PM

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Hi All,

Been reading the forum posts and I find it an amazing community willing to help each other.

I am wondering how many people purchased a 4-rack smoker and wished they purchased the 6-rack instead?  I was thinking of buying the 4-rack but don't want to regret it.


Mr Walleye

Hi Kofther and welcome to the forum.

It really is a great place to share and learn anything smoke related. If you haven't already found the recipe site just click on the smoker in the bottom of my post. Lots of great stuff there from all the fine folks here on the forum.

I don't think many people  have had a change of heart after purchasing the 4 rack unit. I know a number of members have more than one smoker for when they want to do large loads.

You can't go wrong either way.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


hi kofther,

I have the 4 rack model for over 2  1/2 years now and in 98% of the time I dont need any thing larger. In one of the few times that i do racks of ribs for a larger gathering i plan ahead and use the smoker to apply only the smoke to the ribs and finish cooking else where using some of the same process that i would have with the bradley. low , slow, and long and  you will do just fine.

Also have done 35 lbs of tri tip at once in the 4 rack .. when i went to pull it.. it was falling apart on my and barley got it out of the smoker and onto the cutting board just outside the smoker. so as you can see you can smoke a lot of meat or a lot of ribs.. the most racks  of ribs I did at  once was 8 full racks and it was a tight squeeze and the racks had to be cut in half



Welcome Kofther, you can't go wrong either way. I bought a 4 rack and love it. I did 48 lbs in it the other week, finished off in the oven. It was beautiful. You will enjoy this forum very, loads of info and great people.


Welcome to the forum Kofther!

I run a 4 rack OBS and have no regrets, you can turn out an amazing amount of food!  But 4 or 6 your gonna be very pleased!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!