Importance of Meat Blends

Started by oakville smoker, December 16, 2009, 07:43:14 AM

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oakville smoker

How important are the meat blends when making sausage ?
I am looking at recipes that call for multiple meats in varying proportions:

pork butt, lean beef, veal
pork butt, veal
pork butt, beef

I will make the effort to mix these up if it makes a difference but if it does not, then maybe I will just stick with pork butts as the meat for sausage and salami?  First sausage up will probably be bratwurst, first salami will be cooked / cured / smoked salami.  Will the meat combinations affect the results?  Way back when, I remember helping my ex's father make salami, he was a butcher by trade and I dont recall him using multiple types of meats.
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


I have found when using only pork in summer sausage, salami and snack sticks the product does not firm up like you expect them to be, adding the beef will firm them up. When I tried all beef it was to grainy, I like 60% beef 40% pork.

I was told using veal is like beef with absolutely no fat.