Brisket...Another question on timing

Started by rmaggio, December 30, 2009, 01:30:29 AM

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Okay after the pork butt i am going to do some briskets...I have 3 3.6 lbs briskets that I am going to do a mustard slather on.

I am think a cooking temp of 220 and with about 5 hours of smoke

Would it be reasonable to think this would take around 14 hours in the BS and then 2 hours FTC?


The last one I did I started at 3pm.

I took it out at 8:30 AM and FTC'd for about 2 hours.

It was perfect.

My cook temp was 205F

That was an 18.5 hour cook for a 7lb flat.
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I have never smoked a brisket that small, much less three at a time.

This thread has some good information on times and temperatures for an actual smoke of a 7 pounder.

In this post, Mat_M ramped his temperatures to adjust his cooking time.  On small briskets like you are smoking, I would give the following advice.

Place the first brisket on the second or third shelf.  Adjust downward as needed.
Place a foil water bowl on the shelf under the first brisket to deflect heat and increase moisture level,
Use a large water source in the bottom of the Bradley keeping the vent at least 5/8 open to prevent condensation.
Use a foil defector on the heat shield/drip pan to more evenly distribute heat.
After the bark starts to firm up, mop whenever you open the door.
Some bricks wrapped in foil on the top shelf will help with heat recovery. Photo here (

Photos of some of the above methods are posted here.  Since you mention mustard slather, I have also included a post on that.

Photos to go with the recipe

Mustard Slather on Brisket and other Meats

Good luck and slow smoking,



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