One more of our American Right has been removed

Started by Oldman, March 31, 2005, 01:40:58 AM

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I got this today from the people who manage my Domain names:, and<hr noshade size="1">Today I have the unfortunate responsibility of informing you that there has been a decision made by bureaucrats of a Federal agency that takes away your right to privacy as guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

This decision was unilaterally made by the National Telecommunications and Information Association ("NTIA") without hearings that would determine the impact on those affected, and delivered without notice — in short, the NTIA decision was made without due process of any kind. This is exactly how our government is not supposed to work.

The effect of this decision is to disallow new private domain name registrations on .US domain names. In addition, if you already own a private .US domain name registration, you will be forced to forfeit your privacy no later than January 26, 2006. By that time, you will need to choose between either making your personal information available to anyone who wants to see it, or giving up your right to that domain name.

I personally find it ironic that our right to .US privacy was stripped away, without due process, by a federal government agency — an agency that should be looking out for our individual rights. For the NTIA to choose the .US extension is the ultimate slap in your face. .US is the only domain name that is specifically intended for Americans (and also those who have a physical presence in our great country). So think about this for a moment. These bureaucrats stripped away the privacy that you're entitled to as an American, on the only domain name that says that you are an American. I am outraged by this — you should be also.

If, like me, you are outraged at the NTIA's decision to strip away our constitutional right to privacy, will provide you with a petition to sign. (Only your name will be published, your address and email information will be kept private.) This Web site also provides a very easy way for you to send either a fax or an email, expressing your outrage, to your Congressperson and Senators. This is all provided at no cost to you. All that is required is for you to take the time to visit sign the petition, and send the fax or email to your legislators.

On my personal Blog, there are a number of articles where you can learn more about the NTIA's unfortunate decision and what you can do to help get it reversed.

I also will be talking about our right to privacy on Radio Go Daddy, our weekly radio show that debuts today, March 30, at 7 PM PST. To find out how to listen in, please visit the Web site dedicated to the show,

You can be sure that I, and everyone at, will do everything in our power to get the NTIA decision reversed. However, we need your help. Please visit to sign the petition and express your feelings to your Congressperson and Senators.

Bob Parsons
President and Founder<hr noshade size="1"> I don't know about you folks but it is crap like this that gives me reason to be real proud I'm 55 years of age and I once lived in a time when my American rights were just that My Rights. What is next? My private phone number having to be publicly published?

I have signed this petition.


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St. Helens Smoker

Consider petition hit.....this is complete and utter horse manure.  What's happening to the "Land of the Free" is very sickening IMHO.


I've taken this a step further so everyone can see how this can effects them.<hr noshade size="1">

Now using a simple clean (not a hacked) whois tool on my business site (which is public) you can recieved the following information. Remember soon all personal private web-site like your home site will also have to supply this same information.

<b>My name</b>--this will be your real name. This will be supplied by your ISP or hosting service or both.  

<b>My phone number</b>--this will be your personal business or home phone number. This will be supplied by your ISP or hosting service or both.  

<b>My mailing address</b>--this will be your home address. It cannot be faked as is your billing address again supplied by your  ISP or hosting service.

<b>My E-mail address</b>--this will be your real E-mail address...not third party such as yahoo etc.. Again this will come from your ISP or your hosting service--hosting services do not generally accept yahoo type of E-mail address or they don't host for you.

<b>My hosting service</b>--This could be your ISP that gave you 10 megs for your homepage.

<b>My domain name time-line</b>

<b>My site's information</b>--everything that is on your personal private site.

<b>My site's IP address</b>

Read down a little on this link and you will find all of the above information concerning me.

There is one more point to warn you about concerning your real E-mail address once it  is public.  From that E-mail address your personal computer's IP and MAC address is easy enough to get. At that point you can be "targeted!"

My last example of what this means to the public who have private home web-sites is this. My information is public so using it as an example just go to google an type in my name Raye Minor or my E-mail address. [email protected]  All of the information needed (while not as much as a Whois search) is there to reach out and touch me.

At the moment this only effects US domain names. Let's see what next year brings.


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