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Started by Ketch22, January 26, 2010, 09:20:40 AM

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HI every one
I am looking into buying the bradley six rack programmable smoker.
After reading some of the post is it true I will need to buy a PID to make it work better.
Can any of you lead me to a good place to by this.I have seen them on ebay for 499.00 free shippng
to 600 on Cabelas Thanks for the help.
It looks like alot of fun I Am into  hunting and fishing


Welcome ketch

You will love the 6 rack, The PID just makes it that much better.  Here is the link to the PID we all use.



Welcome to the forum Ketch!

While a PID is not absolute neccesary, it is a nice addition to have.  Trust me I've turned out plenty of good Q before I built mine.  Here are the plans from the recipe site that I used...think it cost me right at 100 bucks.


Good luck and keep us posted!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


W E L C O M E  to the Forum Ketch22!

A PID is not a necessity, but a luxury for most things you smoke. For making your own sausage and/or smoking salmon, it is nice to have.

You might want to try Yardandpool.com (great customer service) , meatprocessingproducts.com or manventureoutpost.com
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Ketch, welcome and enjoy the forum while you are waiting for that smoker!

If the 6 rack is the way you are going, get that puppy and play with it awhile

and then you can decide if you need? a PID.

Keep us posted.


Come on in and have a seat ketch22.

I have a 6 rack diggi with a PID.

Here in Nebraska the winters get real cold and the PID helped with that.

It maintained -2 to +2 instead of the -15 to +15.....which is a big deal when your smok'n/cook'n @ 220*.
If your so cool....where's your Tattoo.


ketch22, either way you go PID or not you Will be able to crank out some mighty fine eats!
I have only had my OBS since Christmas(so I am defiantly not an expert as some on this site)
and since I live in Canada and it's winter it's cold.  My OBS handles the cold quite well,I have however ordered a PID after reading so many good thing about them on this forum.  In my first four smokes(with out PID) it has all turned out very very well.  Sorry to ramble I'm boared as He** at work today! ::)

And BTY Welcome!! ;)
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Welcome to the fun Ketch22

I have the DBS 6 rack also and have turned out MANY good smokes, some of them sausage, with out the PID. I would give the Bradley s go with out the PID to understand how the smoker works for you.

I do have a PID and some other mods done to my smoker but you can do just fine with out them. If you have a larger thermal mass in the smoker you will have less of a temp swing, an example would to have some clean bricks in the cabnet to help retain heat.

Oh ya keep the vent open at least 1/4 if not more, so you dont get smoke backing into the generator.


Welcome Ketch22, I also have the 6 rack without the PID and have made many good smokes. I do plan on getting the dual probe eventually, but not in a hurry.
Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer www.lulu.com/mediabyKevinG


 Thanks to all of you for the fast reply How i got the news about the 6 rack that I needed so I am going to order one tonight.

Thanks so much I will be posting soon