Hotel Bradley Exceeding Expectations

Started by oakville smoker, February 01, 2010, 09:21:39 AM

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oakville smoker

Hotel Bradley is now 5 stars,,,,
I had to up the rating after this weekend
We were pretty close to zero and a touch windy all weekend and it performed beautifully
This thing will kick butt in spring, summer and fall

Saturday morning, almost zero outside.  Fired her up and had 215 in less than an hour. Fired the generator for warm up, had 260 in another 20
minutes.  Held great consistent temperature all day

Last weekend I cut a 4 inch diameter whiole to accomodate a dryer vent cover by the smoke generator.  I glued the fins open part way to ensure air flow and laid some silcon caulk at the top of the cover to help the water or snow roll off it. 

Next task:  Extending the vent adjuster.  That is going to take a few beers to figure out     LOL
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


Quote from: oakville smoker on February 01, 2010, 09:21:39 AM
That is going to take a few beers to figure out     LOL

Thats when I do some of my best thinkin

Good to here your Hotel is workin for ya.