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Put Yourself Out There For The New Members.

Started by NePaSmoKer, February 26, 2010, 08:17:09 AM

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Just a little info on myself.

My name is Rick. Forum name NePaSmoker  short is nepas.

I grew up in a small town in the Southern Calif desert called Littlerock. I started my smoking adventure when i was 17 with a Little Chief smoker which i still have. I lived in the Antelope Valley for 30 years until moving to PA with my family. Lived in Ephrata Lancaster county (Amish Country) for 12 years until we built a house in the lower Poconos.

My list of smokers i have had throughout the years range from the Little Chief, water smokers, bullets, drums, off sets, home built pits, walk In's you name it and i prob had it.

Fast forward to now. I have 3 Bradley smokers, 4 rack OBS, 6 rack DBS and BPS. I built a free standing smoke house that uses LPG for the heat/smoke and is going to be pellet fired this spring. My smoke house can hold over 200 pounds of meat. I also have a Traeger Lil'Tex and recently have a MAK Grill which has become my go to grill/smoker being its on the back deck  ;D  I wont ever go back to a LPG grill again.

In my 33 years of smoking i can say i have done many types of items from jerky, sausage, full cuts of meat to my latest being cold smoking cheese and nuts. So for the new members i post my smokes and have a large archive of photos.

Joining the Bradley forum has been really fun for me and i have met some good friends.

I hope i didn't bore you too much  :D

Smokin Soon

Nepa got me into sausage making..That's a good thing, got all of the goodies, grinder, stuffer, every mix known to mankind. I do some pretty good sausages now. Nepa has a Treager 070 Li'l Tex and posts some really good stuff! I get one and simply love it! Now it's MAK envy! Yikes, It's hard to keep up! No problem, my friend as we both share a lot of the same interests. This is just too much fun!!! :D

oakville smoker

Well I hate to see NePas hanging out there all by himself so here is my contribution.

Real name Rick, yes another one.  Must be some smoking affliction that goes with the name.  I live in Oakville Ontario which is about 20 minutes west of Toronto.  I am now pushing 50, try to play golf 5 times a week ( walk and carry my bag, try to ski twice a week in the winter ).  I tend to like extreme things like jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, driving a race car or standing at about 8000 feet and getting ready to jump into a chute with my alpine skis.

I have always had a passion for cooking. It seems to be stress relief for me,  I have always been a bit of a foodie as well.  Bradley Q, grills, pasta, bread, you name it.  If it can be made in the kitchen, I will give it a try.

In the summer of 2009 I was watching BBQ shows in the Food Network.  I attempted to low and slow some ribs in my gasser with very little success.  That led me to searching the internet for information on smoking and where I found this forum.  This forum was one of the main reasons I initially bought the Bradley.

Since then I have made countless ribs, turkeys, chicken, snack stix, jerky, fish seafood. sausage, salami, coppa, bacom, ( side, pea meal. Canadian ) pancetta and who knows what else.  Pork butts, pork legs, pork roasts, pork loins. Brisket etc.   That led me to buy meat grinders, sausage stuffers and meat slicer.  I even built a hotel for my Bradley so I could smoke in snow storms and the frigid cold we are famous for here.  God knows what I will be buying next.

Right now I am aging some salami that is real kick butt.  I have a coppa curing in the garage that should be ready soon.  I have another curing in the fridge.  I just rolled up a pancetta, ask me about that in about 3 months time.

People are constantly amazed at the food the Bradley turns out.  They accuse me of having talent but I give all the credit to my DBS.  At Super Bowl, I had the ultimate complement when  someone said dinner was like eating in a 5 star restaurant.  That led me to even making massive amounts of bacon for people and more requests from people to make them things. 

This community and board are one of the greatest blessings a BBQ smoker could have.  I feel I have made some great friends here.  I don't face book or tweet or any o that stuff but the first thing I do every day is check what is going on here.  I am usually looking for advise but I know my skills have matured a touch now as I have even given some advise lately. 

Happy smoking all.  Value this site.  There are not many like them around.  Participate and share.  Hell, even I post  pictures here now and that s a stretch for me.
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


Finally have some time to reply to this one before the next project begins.

My name is Chris, Forum name Tenpoint5 (Which comes from the 5 ten point racks that are in my office here at home)

I have lived here in Eastern Iowa all my life except for the 9 yrs I was traveling the world in the Army. I live here with my Wife, Miss Vicky and my four yardapes, Rachel, Logan, Rylan, and Larson. Forgot about the pets: The dog, Roxie, The cat, C-A-T and the Beta fish, Catfood. I got to name the fish.

I have always had the desire to cook whether it is on a grill, in a smoker, a crock pot, a Dutch Oven, a open fire you name it. I have probably cooked on it in the past 28 years. I just enjoy cooking. I also enjoy sharing whatever information I have learned. I have had my DBS for 4 or 5 years now I don't remember. One day I wondered into this forum and have been here ever since. I like to tinker around and play on the computer as well as the next guy. So a friend of mine gave me a copy of a computer program. While teaching the program to myself via trial and error and error. I thought about a newsletter since there was one in the program. With a lot of help from the other forum members. The Bradley Smoker Forum member's Newsletter was born and has grown into what it has become. I have made several good friends since joining the forum myself, some of which I talk to on a regular basis on the phone. I am not one to talk much about myself because I don't find my life that interesting. But if you have any questions just ask.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Tiny Tim

Hi all, Tiny Tim here.  Real name Tim, of course.  I got my Smoker for Christmas 2006, and found this board in January of 2007.  I was pretty much introduced to cooking when I took Home Economics in High School, mainly because the rest of the class was mostly girls (there were 3 of us guys that took it the year I did).  That came in handy following Graduation when my mother got sick, and passed away a year later.  I pretty much took over the kitchen duties, although Dad would take charge sometimes as well, or we'd just go out.

Fall of 2006, a buddy and I were talking about our failures as fishermen, although we did okay catching some carp during the annual "Carp Contest" at the lake we always fished, and he wanted to make some smoked carp.  I kicked that idea around for a while, and discussed it with Dad, and that's how I got the smoker for Christmas.  I've smoked loins, ribs, butts, briskets, turkey breasts, and a few other things, but no carp...how ironic.

Once I found how easy the smoker was to use, and how much I liked it, I convinced Dad that we should try to sell them and add them to our lineup at the store we owned and operated (NAPA Auto Parts and Liquor).  I'm hoping to continue selling the Bradley line of products, but due to Dad's passing just under a year ago, I will be getting rid of the Auto Parts and Liquor Store.

I live in Western Iowa, with 2 cats, Sneetch and Bela.  My main interest is NASCAR Racing, but I have so many other interests as well.  I drove my own race car for 5 seasons back in the late 90's, played golf for many years, played on Dart and Pool leagues, dabbled in beer and wine making, and have tried just about any activity that has been suggested at any time.

I hope you've enjoyed your look into my life, I don't think it's anything too exciting, but I've lived it myself instead of looking at it from an external perspective.  I concur with those that have praised this community for how close-knit it is, and have to say that I consider all of you friends, even though I doubt that I'll ever meet most of you in person.  I do hope to meet some of you this summer, whether I make it to PA for the smokeout, or one a little closer to home.

Smokey the Bear.

My name is Stephen and the board name is Smokey the Bear ( this is cause the wife calls me her bear cause i can warm her when she is cold) ;D

I am 47 and have lived within an hour of Toronto,Canada all of my life. I live with my wife of nearly 10 years , but it seems like we have been together all of our lives. It is that good. We have 2 cats Rocky and Sylvester and a home in a established neighbourhood of Scarborough. I am the cook in the family and enjoy creating meals of all kinds. All that changed when we drove to Memphis ,Tenn and nothing has been the same since. We ate at many places when we were there and i was hooked on smoked food and there was no turning back. I first started smoking on the BBQ with a smoker box and wood chips and loved to cook for friends and family. I have owned a OBS for a year now and have been a member of this forum for the same time span.

I have not only enjoyed the food but the kindness and consideration given by all who have posted on this site from day one.This kind of mutual respect not only helps you to learn but encourages you to help others whenever possible. I usually check the board once in the morning when i get up and when i come home from work to see if there is something to learn or someone to help. What i have learned is that there are more than one way to do something and every variable has a different outcome so we can learn from novice and pro's alike. I have enjoyed my 1 year on this site and look forward to trying more and more recipes along the way. Enjoy.

I almost forgot, I am a huge Redskins fan and have been for over 35 years. Hail to the Redskins.
If it has eyes and a head,I would probably eat it. Eh


HI!  Mrs Seemore (June) here.  My husband Scott and I take turns on the Forum.
Since 01/18/10, I have been on much more than my husband because I broke my right ankle and have been unable to work.  He has had to do everything around the house, since I have had to stay off my foot.  Hopefully that will change shortly.
Scott and I began our smoking adventures with a water smoker about 15 years ago.  We used it, but did not like the inconsistancies in the results, which are totally dependent on outside factors.
Scott saw the Bradley smoker at a local hardware store and began doing research.  This was about 5 or 6 years ago.  I bought him a Bradley smoker for a Christmas present.  We now have two.
When we first got on the Forum, we did not ask questions.  Instead we would read posts and try to do our cooks based on them.  Gradually, however, we began to ask questions, post our cooks, and get opinions from others.  Now, we are "hooked" on this Forum.
You will not find a more generous group of people than on this Forum.
We have learned so much from the Smoke Gods as I call them.  Yet we have also picked up a thing or two from newbies as well.
Don't be afraid to ask questions.  No one here minds at all.
Scott and I live in Eastern Iowa.  We have a DEMANDING Diva Doberman named Tasha, who OWNS us.  ;)
Enjoy your smokers, and post LOTS of pictures!!!

Ka Honu

I don't live in Iowa or Canada.  I have no pets or children at home.  Aside from a Sunday bartending gig, I haven't done anything of any redeeming social value for what will be 7 years on Wednesday.  I know nothing about cold weather except that I learned to stay away from it early in life.  After too many years as a "grunt," I don't do anything that requires me to walk around the woods carrying things (rucksacks, guns, like that) or stay anywhere away from home that doesn't have room service.

I do, however, live with a lovely blonde (SWMBO) who allows me to play with grills, smokers and other heating devices as long as I don't burn down the house, do clean up my mess, provide her with good food, and don't scream "Ewwww" too loud when she insists on frequent doses of "raw things" (fruits and veggies).  I am also required to "give good vacation," buy a certain amount of jewelry and dead flowers, and try not to embarrass her in front of her friends (doesn't always work, but I try - sometimes).

I take advantage of pretty near everyone on the forum - copying their recipes and techniques shamelessly (although I usually give a mumbled credit when asked).  On the other hand, except for more than my share of smart-ass remarks, I actually don't contribute very much since my own culinary repertoire is limited to "food prepared by lazy, unskilled people of very little talent."  It works for me and does provide a service to my fellow forum members - If I can make a dish or master a technique, it's ready to spring on an otherwise untrained public.

OBTW, if you feel insulted by one or more of my posts, you haven't read it the way it was meant.  I have a weird sense of humor and do not always consider that someone else might not see a situation the same way I do.  If you can't ignore it, a simple, "KH, shut the f**k up" is probably the best response.

OBTW2 - Yes, Ka Honu is my real name ("KH" or "Ka" for short) and that's my picture (although it was taken many years ago before I had a beard).  Yes I use this color and font all the time.  No, there's no real reason for it except to let Arnie and Pachanga automatically know which posts to skip.

Welcome to the forum - you're going to find smoke & BBQ "heroes" here (as well as a "poser" or two like me), learn lots from them, and, with your contributions, make us all better at what we love to do.



Hi Guys!
My name is Carolyn.  My family consists of my hubby of 24 years and our 7 year old daughter. Also, a boxer pup.
I'm originally a city girl from Southern California but for the last 13 years we have lived on a little ranch in Northern Idaho.

I purchased OBS in 2007 and finally learned to smoke with it when I joined this forum in 2008  :D
I have learned so much from the humble experts on this forum.
I love smoking sausage, jerky (and with Nepas' help) snack sticks.

I'm not a gourmet-type of cook, I think I aspire to cook more like Caroline Ingalls than Cat Cora.
A lot of my hobbies are related with providing food from my family, I love:
smoking, canning, veggie gardening, raising beef cattle & chickens, hunting, fishing, mushrooming, huckleberry picking and learning to make cheese (thanks to Deb).
I love looking at a plate of food and seeing things that I either raised, hunted or gathered.
Another hobby that I enjoy is writing in my blog.

I cannot praise this forum enough!  Everyone is so helpful and our moderator Brian is a great guy, too.
If you are new to smoking do not be afraid to ask your questions here.  The forum will save you a lot of trial and error.
There are no dumb questions here!
Happy Smoking  :)