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Can the Chat Room

Started by ArnieM, May 25, 2010, 06:54:29 PM

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It's difficult to know where to start here.  I guess that I'd first ask you not get pissed off Raye.

Everyone uses and likes susanminor.org.  Great site and like Bradley, no advertising crap.  We all appreciate your efforts, no kidding.

Maybe you can fill me in.  I couldn't use my gmail account to register, only my old earthhlink.net account.  What's the difference?

I've openly posted my gmail account in the smoker forum.  No crap that I can see.  Maybe that's your or Bradley's doing - can't scrape?

So, the bottom line.  I've been in S/W development for over thirty years.  My son in law is an internet expert.  So, if you'd like a little more admin or monitoring of the site, just let me know.

I want to support the site as best as I can. 

Best regards,
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Well put ArnieM...  but I expect you'll find your well thought out points will yet again fall on deaf ears. By his own admission he's tired of this complaint and isn't willing to listen even to those such as yourself who may have some assistance to offer in this regard.  Whenever someone challenges him on it or, well, anything really, he throws his toys around and threatens to go away.

I know I'm stirring a hornets nest here, but I'm not stating anything that isn't very publicly viewable in any number of places on this forum.

I expect I'll be hearing more from Mr. Minor...  but so be it.  He can't ban me from this site  :P


Quote from: ExpatCanadian on May 27, 2010, 05:14:45 AM

Well put ArnieM...  but I expect you'll find your well thought out points will yet again fall on deaf ears. By his own admission he's tired of this complaint and isn't willing to listen even to those such as yourself who may have some assistance to offer in this regard.  Whenever someone challenges him on it or, well, anything really, he throws his toys around and threatens to go away.

I know I'm stirring a hornets nest here, but I'm not stating anything that isn't very publicly viewable in any number of places on this forum.

I expect I'll be hearing more from Mr. Minor...  but so be it.  He can't ban me from this site  :P


He may not be able to ban you from this site but he can just say forget it and take down his site.  Attitudes such as your own have ruined many a site, when people feel they are entitled to something when in fact it's a privilege, not a right.  Someone spends their money, their time, their effort, to build a site that they don't profit from, that they do just for their benefit and the benefit of others and then they get questioned over their policies and instead of dealing with the stress it's just easier to shut things down.  I'm sure anyone here is more than welcome to put their money where their mouth is and open up their own forum or chat site and use whatever rules they want. 

Fact of the matter is that most spammers use services like Gmail or Yahoo because they are easy to get and aren't tied directly to their ISP account.  If the email address gets banned they just open another one.  I haven't seen anyone state that they haven't gotten an email address with their ISP/Internet Access, most are just complaining that they use gmail or yahoo for ease of use and convienence, yet you are asking the admin of the site to do something that is inconvienent for him just to make things easier on yourself.  Why should he have to make the extra effort when you yourself are not willing to?


I'm not trying to take sides on this issue as I rarely use the chat room but I'm standing with Olds on this one.  He spends a lot of time, effort and money just maintaining a site for us to use at NO CHARGE to any of us.  At the Bank where I work, we literally spend thousands of dollar to try to keep hackers and spammers out of our site.  Even with the best money can buy, some still find a way in.  It's an ongoing battle and one that is never 100% totally won.  Olds is doing the best he can to keep the spammers, bots and hackers out.

Thanks Olds.  I appreciate your generosity.


Quote from: ExpatCanadian on May 27, 2010, 05:14:45 AM

Well put ArnieM...  but I expect you'll find your well thought out points will yet again fall on deaf ears. By his own admission he's tired of this complaint and isn't willing to listen even to those such as yourself who may have some assistance to offer in this regard.  Whenever someone challenges him on it or, well, anything really, he throws his toys around and threatens to go away.

I know I'm stirring a hornets nest here, but I'm not stating anything that isn't very publicly viewable in any number of places on this forum.

I expect I'll be hearing more from Mr. Minor...  but so be it.  He can't ban me from this site  :P

OK let's start with some facts. That site with a Webmaster cost me a little over $5000.00 per year. Have you ever noticed how fast it is. Next, in the beginning we allow all 2nd party E-mails to be uses. It was not long before I was removing daily 2-5 spams that had women showing their tits and splits along with links to God knows what. Links that could infect your system. If I had not stopped the 2nd party E-mails then the question to ask is how would you like your child / Grandchild to view on a recipe site nude woman?

If I had not put a stop to this then  then you would be all over me about allowing this crap to be on the recipe site.

I set up the recipe site so that no one has to register to use it. To include the download of the site. What more can I do? You want to chat then use your ISP E-mail address.

For many years I was an online gamer who in the end ran for 8 years a gaming / voice site. I've seen all of the spoofs and I doubt you even have any idea of what I'm talking about.

The people I ban are those who bring in trash -- crap. The recipe site is a family based site.

You are welcome to use it, but without a true ISP E-mail addy you will not chat.

Raye Minor
Admin recipe site.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 



I greatly appreciate the site and the service you have provided.    Your rules are simple and easy enough.  Many sincere thanks!


I like animals, they taste good!

Visit the Recipe site here

Smokin Soon

Being a former online gamer myself, I do recall that most of the troublemakers used a Juno or Hotmail account. I'm with Raye on this one.


Ok, let me start with an apology.  I wrote what I wrote after getting a little steamed up yet again about these sorts of blanket rules, and you happened to be my target.  It's minor here (no pun intended), but almost every other aspect of our lives these days is controlled in some manner by a blanket "YOU CAN'T DO THIS BECAUSE...." rule courtesy of some @$$hole who has ruined it for the rest of us.... ie. spammers, shoe bombers...  all the rest of it.

My arguments on your specific GMail/Yahoo/Hotmail rule have never been that you don't need to do what you do... of course you do.  My argument is that in the spirit of this forum, we all know the regulars....  and some of us use non-isp based e-mail addresses.  My argument is that it would be a very simple matter for you have your policy, but to make a judgement call individually if one of us wants or needs to use a non-ISP based address.  Every single one of us makes similar calls in every aspect of our lives...  virtually daily.  That's all I've ever argued.

Once again, I do apologise for my tone...  I appreciate your service as much as anyone here. In our last exchange on this several months back, I ended it by accepting "Your house, your rules".  I'm just not very good at keeping my mouth shut when something irks me....  got some learnin' to do.

QuoteI've seen all of the spoofs and I doubt you even have any idea of what I'm talking about.

I'm afraid I do....  in spades.  I'm an IT consultant for one of the largest law firms in the world...  I design, implement and support externally facing systems, some of which handle some very sensitive information indeed.  I deal with pen testers almost daily and work very closely with our security specialists to keep the bad guys out.  In my world, if only it were as simple as banning GMail.  I'd be on it in a heartbeat  :)  So please understand, I'm not just a guy spewing off about something I know nothing about.  I'm coming at this from a very informed point of view.

Ka Honu

Quote from: ExpatCanadian on May 27, 2010, 08:09:29 AM... a very simple matter for you have your policy, but to make a judgement call individually if one of us wants or needs to use a non-ISP based address. 

As I've always understood this, it's a hobby for Raye (although he already seems to put in more time and effort on it than many people do on their day jobs).  The point is that we're getting a free and valuable service entirely because one person contributes his "spare" time and goes to a pretty fair amount of expense.  The least we can do is honor his wishes and comply with his policies without bitching.


Quote from: Ka Honu on May 27, 2010, 08:26:30 AM
The least we can do is honor his wishes and comply with his policies without bitching.

Just exercising my own right to do the same as your turtle  ::)

Jeez...  I've apologised already!!!


I've already offered to do anything I can to help.  I know there are forum members with the expertise to provide any assistance they can.

All you have to do is ask Raye.  We'd be all over you like fleas on a hound  ;D
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.