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1st time heat

Started by Alan Heckler, June 05, 2005, 10:51:55 PM

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Alan Heckler

I'm using it for the first time. Both power lights are on. Temperature took over an hour to reach 90c with the with the temperature control all the way to the right on high and it won't go over 90c. The damper is closed. When I opened it the temp went down. Is the inside element working?


i went out to my car to take a look at the speedometer to convert c to f... i assume 90c is 195f...

i would take a peak at the heating tube to see if it is glowing...

what happened to me once is the bs would get up to 200f empty... it was 90f outside... when i loaded it up i could only get 150f even after several hours...

come to find out the smoke generator was generating all the heat and my heating tube wasnt glowing... bradley had me a new slider the next day... but it was the tube... they had me a new tube the next day and i have not had any more issues...

i would unplug the bs from the generator and see if it maintains 90c... if so thats where all your heat is comming from...

you can unplug the genetator and plug the bs directly into an outlet  and see if you get any heat...

extension cords and maxed out circuits can cause low heat too...

you gotts to eat...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Welcome, Alan.  Owstrich's advice is spot-on.  BTW, your address is NJ but you are using metric temp measurements . . . just curious [?]

Newton MA
Newton MA

Alan Heckler

I used metric because the company is Canadian and thought most uses might also be. Sorry. Yes, it only went up to 200. However, I spoke to Rudy at the company and he said to only expect 200 when the smoker is fully loaded. Anything higher, even with less food, would depend on the outside temperature.