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ice bath or not?

Started by watchdog56, June 26, 2010, 05:26:04 AM

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I am trying a new batch of beef sticks with a little of Greg's spicy recipe with a twist. Here is my recipe;1 tsp cure#1
1 1/2 tsp black pepper
1 1/2 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp paprika
1 1/2 tsp red pepper
1 cup soy protein concentrate

1 cup cold water
3 Tbsp canning salt
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp hot sauce (valentina salsa picante)

I noticed on Nepas spicy recipe he says NOT to ice bath but let dry and cool down naturally then vacumm seal. Do I need to ice bath this 5# batch or not?


Well I went without the ice bath. They came out pretty good but could have been a little more spicey


The ice bath stops the cooking.
Depends on how well done you want your sticks.

Your sticks look great.



Nice sticks. the cold rinse is like an option thing. Your sticks will only take a % of actual smoke. The smoke will stick to the casing and when you ice or cold rinse you will take smoke from the outside of the casings.

Most of the time your IT of the sticks should be between 152-155. If you pull at 150 and let cool at room temp you will be fine.

You did a great job though  ;D


Thanks. They did turn out tasty :P :P