Summer sausage Question

Started by Phantom Smoker, July 21, 2010, 07:43:29 AM

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Phantom Smoker

What makes some sausage so wrinkled? Ive seen some stay plump and some that get really wrinkled and was wondering why that happens? Im talking from different makers. What they do to make this happen?


I think it depends on how you let it cool after smoking. It is probably best to give it an ice bath as soon as you pull it out of the smoker and let it cool. Then the heat from the sausage does not cause the casing to shrink.

Phantom Smoker

I dont think its the casing making it shrink that much because it is deep wrinkles. It is great sausage just wonder why it shrinks that much.


NOt sure but maybe it needs to be packed a little tighter.