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Bisquette Feeder Not Secure

Started by nobrien1, June 23, 2005, 06:21:05 PM

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Hopefully one of you can help me with this as Customer Service wasn't a big help a year or so ago when I contacted them.  I don't see to be able to get the feeder unit to sit securely on its mounting posts.  CS told me to loosen the screws some but that did't resolve the issue.  As a result, I don't use it much because it is a balancing act of sorts to get it to stay in place and I then have alignment issues with the heat end and the water pan.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?  What is the simple solution that I am missing?


Habanero Smoker

When you types CS at first I thought you meant Cook Shack, but quickly realized it meant customer service. Sometimes it is a little tricky lining the holes up with the post, but I've never had your problem.

If you give more information, maybe others can help you. Can you describe what is happening when you try to place the generator on the mounting posts. Such as, are the post lining up with the holes in the generator, but won't lock into place etc.


Phone Guy

Mine just sits on those two screws, if I try to lift the smoke generator mine will lift off as well. Maybe something is bent. Maybe try to explain a little better.



Can you post pictures of this problem? If not but can take pictures and get them devoloped into a jpg format then <b><font color="black">E-mail</font id="black"></b> to me and I will post them for others to see.


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Welcome to the Forum, Neil!  Where is Manlius NY?  We've got a growing crew of North East BSers, some of whom live in NY . . .

As for your problem, if someone on this Forum doesn't have a quick fix, then give CS at Bradley another try.  Don't know about a year ago since I got my smoker at Christmas 2005, but there's been nothing but rave reviews about Bradley CS since then.  As for Cassandra or Katie (oops, forgot that Katie is probably already away for the summer), but anyone there should be able to help you.

Newton MA
Newton MA