Circulation Fans - Does anyone make a 'kit'?

Started by porterdriver, September 28, 2010, 11:16:43 AM

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I am not the handiest person (reasonably handy but not THE handiest) and I was wondering if anyone has had the wisdom and foresight to create a circulation fan kit for the Bradley's?

I have read all of the stuff that I can find on this board regarding fans and installs but get bum-fuzzled when I get to trying to assemble a parts list.  Motors that are CW, CCW, CWSE, and CWLE, motor shafts that can be mechanically reversed, fan blades that are CW when the motor is CW, apparently needing two set of fan blades - one CW and the other CCW.  motor shafts of one diameter and fan bores that aren't the same...

It's all too confusing (the 60's were really hard on me).

Help with finding kit or at least someone with extraordinary patience that re-re-reexplain this whole circulation fan thing at my level.





I have the fan kits in my Bradleys and I got them from smokeandstuff.

Habanero Smoker

If you already have the parts, have you reviewed the tutorial on the recipe site?

Circulation Fan



Quote from: classicrockgriller on September 28, 2010, 11:26:03 AM

the fan kit is here:

I ordered and received the fan kit. I have the template, but where are the instructions? Company is not real responsive so be ware.


I have the latest and greatest instructions from company.  If someone can tell me how to attach a "Word" document, I'll be happy to share.


Quote from: porterdriver on November 15, 2010, 03:27:57 PM
I have the latest and greatest instructions from company.  If someone can tell me how to attach a "Word" document, I'll be happy to share.

Send it to me and I can share it via my Google Docs account...

Will send you a PM w/ my email addy.