Darn Doctors

Started by RossP, November 24, 2010, 02:59:07 PM

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Got some news form the old sawbones I did not want to hear today. My right shoulder has been bothering me a bit as of late so SWMBO sent me off to see the doctor. Well the out come is that I have a bad rotator cuff. Now that usually would not be too bad but it is my right shoulder and I go Fly Fishing at least once a week every week. In January we are going to the Dominican Republic and I was in the process of building a new 8wt  travel rod for the trip, now I do not even what to finish the rod, I cannot even bare to look at my tying desk right now. Hopefully it will heal enough so I can go fishing every nice in a while, but I was told that I hve to take it easy from now on, I do not want to have the operation as once they cut you are never the same, too many operations in the past to trust them. On the bright side I will have more time for the Bradley.

Original Bradley Smoker
Cold Smoker Attachment
Teal Termapen


FWIW - I had my right rotator cuff scoped a couple of years ago and I am much better for it.

I hope and pray yours turns out the same.
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
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Maybe Me and You can go in together and get a

"Bring a Buddy" discount.


I had bone spurs removed from my shoulder last year. Its much better now but still has a little way to go to get back to where
I was. I would do it again without a doubt.


I feel you pain, sort of.    Most of my joints ache.   Mine is a problem with arthritis.   Isn't aging wonderful.    IMO, finish the rod, do what you have to do and get better.


Good luck on the shoulder Ross.

Had my left one done mid 90's. Sliced open and sewed shut. Hurt like heck, cussed a lot, but looking back, I would do it again. The shoulder is good now.

Build that fly rod, tie some more flies, you will use them.


I feel your pain Ross.  Our system aint all it's cracked up to be.  I've been walkin' around on a busted up foot for 8 years or so.   I highly recommend getting a second and even third opinion.   


QuoteI highly recommend getting a second and even third opinion. 

My better (she is reading this as I type!) half had a bad rotator cuff problem and could not even take a small puppy for a walk on the lead. It infringed on her life a lot including going fishing and she even had trouble getting a good nights sleep.

She was put on the waiting list for surgery but she was looking at over a years wait!  :'(  (typical UK Heath Service!!)

To cut a long story short she sought a second opinion and the orthopod she visited suggested a steroid injection into the shoulder. It was not guaranteed to give a long term solution but at least some short to medium term relief.

That was over two years ago and she hasn't looked back, she can decorate ceilings, go fishing, walk the three dogs and swing from the chandeliers ( ;) :D) to her hearts content!

Every case is different but it may be worth exploring?  :) In her case it looks like the calcium deposits in the tendons are being reabsorbed and the problem has gone without the need for surgery.



im  sorry to hear,  and i hope  that  with  rest it  will heal, if  like others  have indicated it might be a spur may  want to clarify the issue. if you do not  like the DR. opinion you  can always ask for a second opinion from a different Dr.


Beefman is right i thought that both mine were bad i have in pain since last march i finally went to the doc and found out that i have subacromial bursitis its treated with med no surgery need so make your doc checks all options


Thanks for all the replies, and suggestions. Right now the Doc has me on some meds to try and control it. It has only been a couple of days on the meds and so far not much of a change. Hopefully the meds will work. My personal trainer will not even let me do anything right now, no core exercise, yoga or strength training, under orders to just take it easy for a few weeks and let the meds take effect. I have a good doctor, a young woman who has only been in private practice now for a couple of years, but she is good and does her research, she is keeping all options open at this time. Just a bummer having to put fishing on hold, it was my way to unwind and destress.

Original Bradley Smoker
Cold Smoker Attachment
Teal Termapen


Hope your shoulder works out OK Ross.  

I have arthritis in the ankles and knees.  The docs said "It ain't gonna get any better".  

Hope you have a good trip and get some fishing in.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Ross, don't know if you noticed my "limp" on Saturday night, but it is a result of my first fishing trip this year, the first week of June. Stepped in a minor hole in the lawn. Didn't bother me all that much when it happened, but  a week later I could hardly walk.

After a month with no improvement I finally went to the Doc who put me on anti-inflammitories (sic?) twice a day for a month. After the month was up with no significant improvement he sent me for physio. Two months of three times a week physio and I'm finally able to move around without too much limping. Can get down on my knees, but can't get back up without some sort of assistance. Its still not 100% yet, so I'm going to the gym and walking on the tread mill. Can't push it though cause I feel it the next few days. But - I'm heading in the right direction !!

Missed all the fishing season this year. Record run of sockeye and I had to listen to all my fishing buds brag about their full freezers and here I am having to buy from the store!!

Hope your shoulder improves! Just remember, the fish will be there when you're ready! Patience Grasshopper!