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First Smoked Prime Rib in the Bradley

Started by Tommy3Putts, November 07, 2010, 03:19:44 PM

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I finally have my BD6 smoker back up and running (puck burner issue--great customer service from Bradley).  The wife really likes the cold smoked ribeye steaks so we had friends over for dinner last night.  The steaks were a huge hit.  The kicker is that I bough a rib roast from Costco and cut the steaks for the dinner and then used the rest of the roast for my first smoked prime rib in the bradley.

I'm really pleased with how the prime rib turned out.  I put in in with the steaks for a an hour and twenty minutes of cold smoke.  I then pulled the steaks and hot smoked the roast for four hours at 280, using hickory pecan and oak.  I was surprised how quickly it cooked even if it was only 5 lbs.  Having the prime rib for dinner tonight.  Needless to say I suspect I'll be getting a request for a full blown prime rib roast for the holidays. 

SWMBO who was kind of skeptical when I bought the Bradley last February is now a huge fan.  She keeps planning dinner parties to show it off. 


What was the internal temp of the prime after the 4 hours at 280 Deg?
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/


145 deg.  The roast was about 5 lbs.  I actually should have pulled it sooner.  It turned out a good med rare.


I IN fact did a search, nada.

Tell me about cold smoked ribeye steaks! (Please!)
Amazing Ribs
OBS /w Auber WS-1200CPH
Weber Kettle
Ugly Drum Smoker.

Ka Honu

starship - Generally folks cold smoke steaks for about 40-60 minutes (2-3 bisquettes) and then either wrap them in cling wrap and refrigerate for a few hours/overnight or grill them immediately.  I usually use 2 hickory bisquettes but it's all a matter of preference.  If you use a lighter wood, you might want to go for 3 bisquettes.  Wrap & refrigeration is not really necessary but it does seem to "set" the smoke.