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single probe PID

Started by djkost, December 08, 2010, 11:08:45 AM

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I have a 4 rack digital smoke. I have read about the dual probe and to be honest all I want is one that plugs into the smoker and I can set say for 250 degrees and it holds that temp unlike the one that comes from Bradley. Also why do I need a dual probe anyway?


With the dual probe, you can make smoker temperature changes based meat temperature.

For example - 250F until an IT of 180F, then 220F until an IT of 190F, then 190F to hold.
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I understand that it could be programed but I use a seperate temp probe that I put in the meat to check the internal temp and it is wirless. I just want a PID that I can plug into the smoke and hold a steady temp.


Quote from: djkost on December 08, 2010, 11:26:39 AM
I understand that it could be programed but I use a seperate temp probe that I put in the meat to check the internal temp and it is wirless. I just want a PID that I can plug into the smoke and hold a steady temp.

Then the single probe will do want you want to do.

The PID will not get a Bradley smoker to hold a higher temp that without it, it will get to the temp with fewer "swings" in temperature
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I understand that it will only heat to a certain temp unless I would run another element in it. Does one probe go in the middle of the smoker though the top vent and one into your meat that you are smoking? If I just added a fan to my smoker would that help keep the temps more stable? I smoked some meat the other day and the temps were at lest 20 degrees off. At one time it dropped from 220 to 75 and I had to restart the oven them it went up again. I only wished that the short falls of this smoker would have been address by bradley even if it cost a bit more. I like to have everything neet looking and not have wires running all over. I might order a PID and install it.


I like to put the temp probe between the lowest level of meat and the heat source. That way you are not getting a false reading from the cooling effect of the (not up to temp) meat.

I have an OBS, I've never had to restart the oven. If it happens again I would give Bradley a call.
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
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I have the 6 rack and a single probe. I expected heating troubles with large loads. So I added a second burner. I placed my probe in-between the 2nd and 3rd racks. Cause when I do brisket it's on the 2nd or 3rd rack. Because of the heat rise straight up the back. I cover the back 1/3 of the first rack with foil to get heat to center of smoker. I've checked with wireless temp and I get even heat at door and back now.
On grey cup weekend I did 10 large racks of ribs. It took smoker 5.5 hrs to reach 220, I did open it up every hr and move racks around to even the cooking. But wow I was surprised at the time it took to bring the heat back up. I was gals to have the single probe and 2nd heater as well. I can only imagine how long it would have taken with single heater.
Placement of the probe depends on what you normally cook. If you do large loads. Or just single racks, small loads then below. Large loads then I would put it in the middle and be prepared to move racks around.