setting dampner for spare ribs ?

Started by thelostapache, August 20, 2005, 07:29:05 AM

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Hello to all this is my first time doing spare ribs I am wondering what is the best position to have the dampner the weather here is humid and in the high 70s is best closed half way or all the way open and for all other meats what has been the best thanks [8D]


Well I dance to a different beat than most. I open the top just enough to keep the smoke from coming back out the generator.


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Habanero Smoker

I agree with Olds, only keep it open enough to prevent the smoke from backing out of the generator. The exceptions are poultry which skin; it contains a lot of moisture. I keep the vent between 1/4 to 1/2 opened. If the ambient temperature is very hot and you are having a problem keeping the cabinet temperature down, you may have to open it further. Another exception, yesterday I did a brisket, and used Big Smoker's suggestion of injecting it. Half way into the smoke, I saw liquid escaping from the bottom of the door, and had to open the vent further.

I don't believe that the air humidity will have much of a factor in moisture build up inside the chamber. The temperature of the air escaping from the vent will be much higher than the ambient temperature, so it will carry the moisture out with no problem. Now that I think of it, on very humid days with the dew point is in the high 60's and above, water will collect on the top of the cabinet around the vent and will drip back in. So occasionally I would use a paper towel to mop it up.



1/3 to 1/2 is where I would set it.  This isn't rocket science here.  Just do not clamp it off or a very small opening.. Moisture WILL BUILD UP nad that is not good with a BS.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


Nothin' to add to the excellent advice of the BS artistes who have already responded--just wanted to welcome you to the Forum!

Newton MA
Newton MA