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Is there a Solar Oven in your life?

Started by Oldman, September 03, 2005, 09:38:00 PM

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Being in Florida we are almost Off Grid with the rest of the world. I know that sounds strange but for the most part it is true. Most of the power if not all of it is created within this state. This got me to thinking a few years back about what would happen if a "Katrina" blew out power plants out to sea...

Next on a gaming site I go to the thread went to what people should have as a kit should a storm hit them. Below is just a part of the items I ramp up with every year:

15 gallons non-refrigerated milk
25 pounds non-refrigeratied cheese
25 pounds of rice--repackage into vacuum packs 1 pound each
25 pounds of mixed dried beans repackage into vacuum packs 1 pound each
130 gallons of water--in two plastic food grade 65 gallon drums
8 case of 24 bottles of water
25 boxes of bag coffee place in water tight plastic
25 boxes of bag tea place in water tight plastic
10 pounds of sugar--repackage into 8 ouches vacuum pack.
100 cans of various soups
50 cans of various fruits
50 cans of various vegtables
120 bottles of Ensure Plus--strawberry flavor  
50 packages of non-refrigeratied dinners.
25 pounds of self rising flour
5 cans of shortening
100 pound dry dog food--repackage into vacuum packs 1 pound each
100 cans of various dog food
<b>4 solar ovens </b>
5- 20 pound bottles of gas, and 40 1-pound bottles of gas.
10 - 5 gallon gasoline cans I fill up every July 1st.

Now as to the <b>solar ovens </b>I have used them in test cooking enough that I know I could cook with the sun without a problem. I've done from eggs to breads, to pot roast.

If this is of interest to you here is a great <b><font color="blue">How to site.</font id="blue"></b>

Next I made this one which is not a solar oven but more like a solar cooker... I've made coffee, tea, and heated soups with it to boiling.
This addy seems not to like linking so let's try this:
http://solarcooking.org/newpanel.htm  This puppy will get you hot coffee on a bright day in about 15 minutes. And I mean HOT~~!

I've toyed with the idea of a semi solar smoker... but let's face it. On a good day my solar ovens can hit upwards from 450 to 500 degrees F~~~!  However the idea is interesting.  To control the heat what about a solar powered muffet fan and a thermostat. Maybe one day when I got nothing better to do I will take what's left of my brain and get to work on it.

You all got to admit it is an interesting idea.  A small 8-10 0z area to burn wet wood chips and a controlled solar oven to finish the cook.... Cha cha~~! [^]

I know it is do-able but is it worth the hassle to use it? I don't know, but it sure would be cotton pickin' fun to make! I just got to find the time to make it happen... Oh Momma my list is longer than the days of my life.  Well at least I'm not bored or a TV couch potato. [^]


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I own a Sun Oven. [:D]  They're made about 12 miles from me in Elburn, IL. I've even thought about becoming a dealer for them.

We've made good use it when camping on our property for breads and etc.

Some cool ideas from your post!


Thanks for the links to the solar ovens.  Just for fun, I think I will make one to see how it works.  I have a few solar engines, hobby engines that run off of sun energy rather than steam/gas. Of course, living where I do I need a rain or snow driven oven [V].  

Interesting list - I have a small supply I keep, but have never vacuum packed the beans/rice/other supplies.  I may do that before winter.

(two chickens thawing as I type)

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