A Game To Drive You Nuts-O

Started by Oldman, October 29, 2005, 12:38:39 AM

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24.953 secs.

Darn you Raye, I can't stop trying to beat my best time.[:D]

<i><font color="green"><b>Mike </i></font id="green"></b>

<i><font color="black">"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved".</i></font id="black">
 -John Wayne


"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


One of the gamers (BADS) got this:

One of the KoV members got 30 seconds....

All three of you are impressive...

Don't ask...at my age I don't have to tell.... [:0]


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Mmmm..... this could be addictive!

Tried it a few times, worst is .263 seconds (!) and best (so far!) is 18.073 seconds.

Trouble is it seems like you have been playing for ages and your time comes up as 11 seconds or something else pretty pathetic when you get clobbered!



This score is from Killemall:

These kids are fast.....


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Toon got this score. He is the fastest shooter in GR I've ever seen. You do not want to go heads up with him...believe me~~!

Is anyone else here besides me feeling the pain of old age LOL! [xx(]


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Thanks again Olds!
Tough little game!!![:D]

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


WoW one of the KoV boys pulled 64 seconds... man o man must have taken him a day to figure out the moves. LOL~~!


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My wife saw me playing this and said it looked pretty lame. I said give it a try [}:)]. Well....after six tries of less than 2 seconds each, she went back to her reading. I still haven't got over the 25 second mark. feeling addicted....Again....darn you Raye....[;)][:D]

<i><font color="green"><b>Mike </i></font id="green"></b>

<i><font color="black">"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved".</i></font id="black">
 -John Wayne


"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


Toon just step up the pump when Pinger beat his previous score:


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