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First Go at Summer Sausage

Started by Smoke some, February 12, 2012, 09:37:27 AM

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Smoke some

Quote from: Sailor on February 15, 2012, 04:33:28 AM
Smoke Some......Looks pretty dang good to me.  20 hrs is a long time to do 10 pounds.  Do you have a fan in the smoker?  Last week I did another 10 pounds of SS and the week before I did 10 pounds.  Each 10 pound load was 5 chubs in fibrous casings.  I hung them and then turned on the 4 rack OBS (no pre heat) and from the time I hung them to dry to finish was 9 hrs to IT of 152.  The fan mod makes a HUGE difference in cook time.  Prior to the fan mod I know I had some outlandish some times doing sticks and chubs.  Another plus with the fan is that I notice that my chubs take on a darker color and all of them are even in color.  Air circulation is the key.

Guess its time to install the fan and second heating element
Fan just came in on Monday so time to get off my butt and finish the mods.
will be nice to see how much difference the mods will make


I just installed my fan over the weekend. Going to do some sticks in it shortly to see how it works.

I went with the 900w single element also.  :D