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All members....tell me what you want to do!!!!!!!!

Started by Oldman, February 10, 2006, 02:37:46 PM

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I hve not been posting for ahile do to health concerns, but I know when I was brand new to this site I learned an awful
lot from you and the others that participate here. I feel like the others feel you do what feel is best for the group, you have always done a great job!!!
Keep upthe good work!!



I like the layout of the recipe site you worked.  

Others, note, while on the recipe site, try to remember to log in.  What I do is log in, then establish my bookmark logged in.  That way next time I show up, I am auto-logged in.  Helps me move around and know where I am.  Also helps the presence in the board.  Most time I go there, there are 2 or more other online at the same time, but all are Guest.  

And yes, Saturday things are moving a little better, but no gurantee.  Could be a lot less people moving away from this board, leaving more space for others to be able to get a response.
Coming to you from the DelMarVa (US East Coast that is)

Look up Our Time Tested And Proven recipes


Unlike some boards when you log on you must check the remember me box so a cookie is placed on your system. Other wise you have to log on each time.

Harpo & Cuckoo I'm so sorry about your problems... you both will be in my thoughts during my quite time tonight.


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


you should move it. This is crazy. I stopped posting to this site just because of the time outs. The bossman dose not care about is customers.

If it grows, moo's or squeal's it came off a farm.


This is bull. Move it to a new site. We could all stopp buying the Bradly product and smokers that would get his attention. See how long his busness last with out customers.

If it grows, moo's or squeal's it came off a farm.


I've been out town the last 4 weeks and haven't noticed the tíme out problem. Slow some times.

I do think that if they have a board that they should pay some attention to it and help if there are problems.


Brother Bill


Iam having the same problems as you. maybe its because of being a Florida resident as well! I believe you should do as you see fit, and if Bradley won't fix the problem, suggest you use the recipe site as you suggest.

Brother Bill

Brother Bill


Iam having the same problems as you. maybe its because of being a Florida resident as well! I believe you should do as you see fit, and if Bradley won't fix the problem, suggest you use the recipe site as you suggest.

Brother Bill


I feel Mr Bradley should be held to his word of fixing the problem. It just makes no sense to me that the "Forum" is a bother to him. It is one of his greatest assets. If we have to go independent I know that we will still promote the Bradley which unfortunately will benefit Mr Bradley.We will just have to accept that.



 I would not be opposed to another site. I would like to see n00bs at this site invited to join as well.
I think the way you have organized your site makes finding recipes and topics much easier. There are other features far superior to this site as well. I think the online chat would really be put to use for everyones benefit and enjoyment, advanced members as well as n00b.
If this addition to your site brings back other members that we have lost, that would be a huge plus.
The idea I dislike the most is your footing the tab. Maybe we could find a sponser or something.

<font size="2"><b>Doug</b></font id="size2">

bait man

HEY OLDS I am new at this place but have been reading the fourm since sept lots of good info here it was the fourm that made made me decide to buy a bradly ss told my wife about it and she said buy it for your self for christmas and Iam realy happy with it I use it to perfect recipes in small batchs then when I get one Ilike I warm up the big guy and do buissenesI biult a version of WILLBER as seen on the smoke ring site but changed it around abit do a bit of catering up here in ontario you see my thoughts are you guys are in a way selling these things for bradley mae be he does not realize this but if he does not play ball with you he will be the one who loses sales and all do what you think is right and we will follow keep me informed  all the best TIM


Hey Olds,

Even if the issues get resolved here, will you still consider a "modifications section" at your site? I could understand the Bradley bunch being resistant to that here (for multiple reasons). But it sure would be nice to have an organized place to read about fans, puck making, temp controllers, etc.

Just a thought...


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by gary_CO</i>
<br />Hey Olds,

Even if the issues get resolved here, will you still consider a "modifications section" at your site? I could understand the Bradley bunch being resistant to that here (for multiple reasons). But it sure would be nice to have an organized place to read about fans, puck making, temp controllers, etc.

Just a thought...
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">Gary,
Let's wait and see what the new people will do and will not do. After that if we need a mod section for discussions I will put one up. You never know these new folks might just add one here if we ask nicely.


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 

wet coast smoke

Hi Raye,
In the absence of Wade Bradley, I today (Feb 13) spoke with a Martin Mayer of Bradley who is in their head office at 604 524 3848. Evidently Mayer hired on with Bradley within the last 3 weeks. Among his responsibilities is the Bradley website (although he is not an IT per se) and forum so it was timely that I contacted him. I went over the reason that I had called Bradley and coincidently he tells me that he is just in the process of posting a message on the forum which I have yet to read. Presumably his message is similar to
what he told me which is essentially that Bradley are in the process of bringing on a new Service Provider company who will redesign their website, and monitor it in the future to  ensure a quality website and forum. He said that Bradley' and the forum have both grown too much for it to continue in its present format.  I impressed upon this gentleman the importance to both
myself and the good Bradley members of the "forum", of it being properly monitored and maintained. I further impressed upon Mayer that the forum is a very important instrument in Bradley technology and smoking techniques being disseminated to forum members and to prospective Bradley customers, and that
it would be a major mistake for Bradley to allow the forum to continue to fall further into disrepair. Mayer also told me that already they had repaired some bugs in the website/forum.
I mentioned also to Mayer that as an example, that I had obtained at least 90 % of my smoker/smoking knowledge from the invaluable forum and that as a result of my satisfaction, had persuaded two others to purchase Bradley smokers.

I guess we will have to see what the future brings with the forum but at least basis my telephone conversation with Mayer, I am optimistic.
Let me know how the new IT people perform.
I trust that this meets your request, thank you for all of the excellent work you have done in making the forum so valuable and interesting to the many Bradley smokers. BTW I am now just preparing to brine a full 10 pound turkey and then of course smoking it..